300 Gr. Berger Hybrid @ 1,930 yards


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2009
South central, Oregon
Got to shoot the Berger bullet past 1 mile twice this week, so far.
1st day, the wind was almost nothing. Second day was windy and real switchy. But awesome anyways.

Day 1: took 1 shot to get lined out, went 4' high 4' right. Next 2 hit middle high and low, but on target. Let barrel cool for 5 and settled down, was jacked up on coffee and excited. Next 3 shots hit 24" bull on left side, 4" center to center! I can cover all 3 with the palm of my hand.

Day 2: Wind was NNW from 3-8mph mostly, but, was switchy. About 10 seconds between shifts. Storm a brewin'. Pressure higher than first day and temp. 20* cooler.
Same set up as day 1. 3moa Left and 70 moa elevation. ******* did'nt account for pressure and temp. difference.
First 2 shots in the grass, 6' low. Tweeked on the knobs a little then let'er fly.
16 shots on target, 2 in grass and 2 6" from the target on either side.
Shots 14 and 15 are about 5" apart, center bull, can still cover with my palm.

Rifle is 338 Edge, 2,003 rounds down the tube and counting. Still shoots under 1/2 moa @ 100, and does pretty good past 1 mile too.
Also recovered a couple jackets at the base of target.
1,300 fps. and 1,150 ft. lbs. @ impact.
Thanks for the report, canyonman! Good shooting.

Over 2K rounds on that Edge--that's great. Which barrel is that? Cleaning regimen? Barrel treatment?

Keep the reports coming!
I only clean it when it tells me it needs it. About 200 rounds or so.
I'ts a Pac-nor stainless Super match with a really snug chamber.
I am only loading 89.5 gr. Retumbo for 2,750. Can go a little hotter but my E.S. is 4 fps! Thats for 15 shots.
All the Pac-nor barrels I've owned have lasted 2-3 times more shots than what others running different barrels got.
I don't over clean, I NEVER get them hot! 4 shots max! then cool it off. I use the slowest powder that I can use that gives me the lowest E.S. with acceptable velocity. Velocity won't make you a better shot, only RDR will do that. (rounds down range)...
And I Chryo all my barrels. Some say it's useless some don't. I've been doing it since they invented the idea. Easier cleaning, and accurate longer between cleanings.
I haven't used any treatment yet, but have read a bit on "Gun Juice" and will give it a try on my next barrel.
Whats the velocity with your Lapua and Berger?
Awesome shooting. That is exciting that you have that many rounds through the edge and it is still working flawlessly. I am currently building a 338 norma mag and I hope I am able to duplicate your results.

Thanks for the write up.
Very nice shooting, 4 in. at 1930 yds, not bad. So two to three mores times the round count from the Pac nor's, have you got to wear an edge barrel out yet if so how many rounds through it.
I only clean it when it tells me it needs it. About 200 rounds or so.
I'ts a Pac-nor stainless Super match with a really snug chamber.
I am only loading 89.5 gr. Retumbo for 2,750. Can go a little hotter but my E.S. is 4 fps! Thats for 15 shots.
All the Pac-nor barrels I've owned have lasted 2-3 times more shots than what others running different barrels got.
I don't over clean, I NEVER get them hot! 4 shots max! then cool it off. I use the slowest powder that I can use that gives me the lowest E.S. with acceptable velocity. Velocity won't make you a better shot, only RDR will do that. (rounds down range)...
And I Chryo all my barrels. Some say it's useless some don't. I've been doing it since they invented the idea. Easier cleaning, and accurate longer between cleanings.
I haven't used any treatment yet, but have read a bit on "Gun Juice" and will give it a try on my next barrel.
Whats the velocity with your Lapua and Berger?

Thanks for the info. Very interesting...

I don't have my 338AX yet, although I did get pictures from Kirby the other day nearly fully assembled (needs to add the DE adj. cheekpiece and turn down the medium PK brake to make it a 'slim' model.). Can't wait to get it!
Hey Mr. Canyonman1,

Very good going!!!

I'm just starting to mess with the Hybrids in a lowly RUM.

How are you seating them with respect to the leade/lands/rifling?

Shoved into, touching, jumping? How far? Would it be chamber/throat specific?

Same as SMKs or different.

Thanks in advance.......a bunch.
I'm jumping them pretty far. My c.o.a.l. is 3.950" and my lands are at 3.4250" with this bullet. With 300 gr. Lapua c.o.a.l. touching lands is 3.80".
But I did'nt have trouble with seating depth working up a load for the Berger.
What I had trouble with was the sensativity to powder charge and primer.
Usually I can get a bullet to shoot with the first or second combo I throw at it.
I like to stay with an even number for simplicity, like 88 or 90 gr's. then a 215 to light it. Then I'll mess with seating depth to lower e.s...
With the berger I tried all the usual methods and I would always get a flier or 2 with every combo.
Until I went 1/2 gr's. I ended up @ 89.5 gr. Retumbo. E.S. of 4 fps. and shot .447" @ 100 @ 2,750 fps. Also using a Winchester Mag primer. 215 opens the group to 1". Weird huh?
As far as wearing out a barrel, I have gotten over 3,500 rounds accurately (under 1") before I set it back. I'll chop off 1" from both ends, recrown and rechamber, and get around 2,000 more before I can it.
Darrel Holland saw a .340 Weatherby barrel 15 years ago I had over 5,000+ rounds through and he could'nt believe it would still shoot. The fire cracking looked like snake skin. It would still cut 3/4" @ 100 when I sold it.
That is very good information which will help my learning curve quite a bit!

Very much appreciated!

Who would ever put 5000 rounds through a 340 in a life time?

I've never heard of a shot out 338 Anything.....

I'll be giving that big jump a test tomorrow. Then get the ES down. Heck this may even motivate me to go on a spring bear hunt for the expansion test rather than experiment on my range.:)
One 338 Win. mag. barrel I have, I put 5,283 rounds down it in 1 year. March 16th -08 to march 16th-09. Shot 225gr. Sierra FB, and 300 gr. MK out to 1,500 yds... Still shot 5/8" when I took it off. Kept it for conversation peice.
Shocking thing is, it's a factory stainless Ruger barrel. When new, the 225 gr Sierra shot 3 shots @ .096" at 100 yds. Second best 100 yd. group I've ever shot.
Why? Because I shoot alot. And 99% of all my shooting is 1,000 Yds.+.
I also Document every shot on every barrel. Weather, date, time, everything.
If something with the rifle or load changes I want to know why and how.
If I miss more or less or get smoked by the wind, I'll know what to look for in the future, so I can avoid or overcome and conquer.
To me, missing takes the fun out of shooting.
My Granpa, who was a Sniper in WW2, taught me at a young age to accept recoil, not be afraid of it and if you are going to pull the trigger you should hit what you shoot at...
Documenting everything and studying it from time to time, I learn what weather patterns will do to the wind at a certain time of year in a specific canyon. And I shoot in different canyons all year long. Never letting myself get static.
When you learn the wind, your shooting goes to another level, way beyond what you thought was possible.
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