257 weatherby


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2011
Creswell, Or
I am wanting to try 100 grain tsx in my rifle with h1000 but can not find any info on the combination there is a lot of guys saying they use it but not giving up their data. Barnes only lists 2 powders on their site. thanks
The only data I could find for 100 grain bullets and H1000 is for cup/core bullets and it lists a Min charge of 73 grains and Max charge of 78 grains. I am not endorsing this data and you are free to do what you wish, but if I were doing the loading I would use it. H1000 is a very slow burning propellant ( not fickle like some faster burners) and I really don't think you would have any trouble if you start low and work up.
IMHO H1000 is too slow. IMR7828 is a much better choice.

but if that's what you have...
I messed around with my two 257's- a rem 700 and vanguard Submoa model. I found that 72 gr of IMR7828 and RL 22 was the best with the 100tsx at 3.19 OAL.. 22 in the 700 and 7828 in the wby. I tried H1000 it wasn't as good. Wby brass, Fed 215M, Barnes 100 TSX.
Big, my Mark V .257 shot tightest with H1000. I tried IMR7828SSC and H4831SC but it didn't like them as well as the H1000. IMO all rifles will like something a little different and your task is to find that load. It is tougher now with the scarcity of components to try numerous loads and the end does not seem near to this condition. Just my opinion, good luck.
thanks for the input guys. I think I will start around 72 grains and load 1 round in 1/2 grain increments to 76 and watch for pressure signs then go from there. I will do some experimenting and post back my results thanks Ryan
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