243 wssm ar 1/8 twist for 103 to 115 grain bullet


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2015
I just bought a 243 wssm with a 1 in 8 twist barrel.
I was wondering what loads everyone is using for the heavier bullets.
I have a lot of Alliant LRT powder for my 338 Lapua.
So it would be nice if someone was running it or could do a quick load for it.
Thanks for the info
I have not got it yet. Found one on gunbroker for a really good deal. So I thought I would give it a try. I am not sure who's upper it is
How about RL26
I saw that someone was using H1000 that is why I was wondering about lrt
Can someone run a QL on both with the heavier bullets (108, 110, 115)?
Does anyone have any heavy bullet loads for the 243 Wssm?
I have a umar in 22-250 and was going to get a few of their umar magazines for it so length should not be a problem?
Any information or QL calculations would be great since heavy bullet data is hard to find especially with the newer powders
I am still looking for some load data for heavy bullets for the 243 wssm.
If anyone could provide me with this information or put it in quick load for me it would be appreciated
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