2010 PA Bucks

Kevin Cram

Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2004
Danville, PA
LRH Member and great friend JUDD and I hunted the entire 1st week of the 2010 PA deer season. With having to fight about every weather condition from floods to snow storms, we pulled out some pretty nice deer. Nothing was as far as I hoped but maybe next year I'll get my 1 mile kill. Well without the entire long drawn out story here are some photos of our deer. Both were taken with my MCR 338 - 408 Chey-Tac. My six year old son is also in the last photo with his first buck taken at 470 yards. His story is at http://www.longrangehunting.com/forums/f84/6-year-olds-1st-long-range-deer-64354/ Hope you enjoy !!

Kevin Cram's deer. Buck is a 21 1/2" wide 4 x 4

JUDD's deer is a 16 3/4" wide 5 x 5

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My buck was 532 yards and JUDD's was 365. I said I was either going to shoot any legal buck over 1 mile or a big one at any range. Guess I went went the big one :D
Ya can't ask for better than that can ya? Those are some fine PA mountain bucks! When did your son get started on the Yingers?:D
Nicely done guys! Darn antler restrictions are really hurting us :) It's been a couple years since I put a PA buck on the ground but I'm looking forward to the one I do! My fault for not putting the time in.

the antler restrictions are only hurting those who would shoot any buck.
young kids can still shoot the small ones and thats fine.
im personaly in favor of the restrictions.
there is no question we have nicer bucks now than ive seen in my 63 years hunting this area.
the bucks are bigger because their older and older means smarter.
the hunting has changed here. there are no longer herds of deer waiting for some nimrod to shoot them.
you cant expect to take home a buck after a couple days of hunting.
lots of camps here dont even open up for deer season anymore.
reason is many younger guys have interest other than hunting and arent willing to put in the time required.
those who do are seeing and killing nicer bucks.
I 100% agree. I am for the new restrictions

We seen more respectable buck this year then ever before...the results are showing in my opinion.

The younger hunters can still shoot the smaller deer to build confidance...this I also belieive is a good thing.
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