1st production APS Raptor receiver is here!!!!


That is a real concern and one I have encountered many times. I see a rail base as a moldable componant to the rifle. By that I mean, they are easy to machine to a specific customers needs.

When I get a rifle finished, and get ready to mount the scope as the customer wants, Many times as you mentioned the scope needs to be positioned farther or it would hit a long rail base. Another problem is that when you mount a big scope low on a rail, often times when the scope is set up for proper eye relief, the power adjustment ring will hit the last couple rail fins on the back of the rail base.

Easy cure for both, vice up the rail base, take off the first couple slots on the front of the rail for objective cone clearance and do the same on the rear. Just milling them down flush with the bottom of the rail slots offers all the clearance needed. Debur, throw in the blast cabinet and matte up and it looks like it came direct from the factory custom made for that rifle application. It its a blued rifle or coated rifle, the rail just gets teflon coated after milling.

Again, I machine the rails for each application, just want the extra meat there to allow more versitility for different applications is all.

You bring up very valid points however and points I have considered and have solutions for.

Kirby Allen(50)

Yes, this rifle will be coming down on the hunt for you guys to play with. It will be chambered in my 300 Allen Xpress chambering. I have a heavy fluted #8 Lilja in a 30" finish length with a 1-8 twist. Hope to play with Richards big 208 gr AT RBBTs but have to see if they will survive this barrel. I also have some 290 gr ULD RBBTs I will try as well.

Its going into a McMillan A-5 85% black 15% lt grey and I plan on teflon coating the entire rifle black. For a brake. I think I may machine something special for this rifle just to keep it as much mine as possible and maker he as comfortable to shoot as possible.

This will probably not be my primary rifle for the hunt. I am working on building a lightweight 6.5mm Allen Magnum for that purpose but if needed this one will certainly work.

That said, wouldn't a world record class Axis look nice in a promo add for the Raptor!!!! Maybe it will be come my primary rifle!!!!

Either way, you guys will get to play with it and give a review if you want. I won't even tell you what to say about it!! :D

Kirby Allen(50)

Right now, looking at a $1200 price which will include the receiver, rail base and recoil lug as well as the trigger hanger assembly.

I have been thinking about doing a speical price deal for LRH members on a bulk order. Maybe drop prices down to $1100 if we can get 5 to 10 receivers to order.

Time frame. Once I get this receiver throwing bullets and find any minor bugs and get them worked out. I am told that once we finalize the design, I can have ordered shipped within 30 days of the order..........

Now we have all heard nice things like this befor so until it actually happens I am very cautiously optomistic about shipping times. I plan on having the design finalized within a couple weeks with range and field testing.

Kirby Allen(50)

Nope, bolted on with 4, 8-40 tapered head bolts.

The additional cost of an integral rail base was not worth the cost in my opinion when considering the chamberings this receiver will be built in. None of them will surpass the limits of these mounting bolts when installed properly.

While its a great idea to do this, I wanted to shift my investment into areas that make much more difference to the accuracy standpoint in this receiver while keeping the overall cost of the receiver at a reasonable level which I believe it is for what you get, in fact I would say its a bargin.

Kirby Allen(50)

It actually took alot longer then I wanted. I was hoping to have the receiver in time to get it built up and used on my August elk hunt. Did not make that but its hear so I can not complain to much!!!

Kirby Allen(50)

The 338 AM will not fit in this receiver but the 338 AX will!!!!

You need a 10 lb smaller version if your 338 AM anyway!!!

Good luck on your hunt, hope the 338 AM takes care of you and eats well!!!

Kirby Allen(50)

I have not weighed it yet.....

I would guess about 3 oz more then a Rem 700 LA. Maybe 4. I will weigh it when I get over to the shop and let you know. Cold has heck here this morning, 8 degrees!!! Got to let the shop warm up before I can start working. The lathe does not appreciate cold starts!!! AND SHE TELLS ME SO!!!

Kirby Allen(50)
Wow great looking action!!! Congratulations Kirby but there is a huge design flaw…. IT'S NOT LEFT-HANDED!!!! Grins… Left out in the cold again.

Right now just trying to get the RH receiver finalized and on the market. No plans for a left hand receiver but that is not to say it will not happen, just that I have not looked that far ahead yet.

Kirby Allen(50)
I'll postpone my disappointment


Just wanted to say your new receiver looks great. It appears you truly put a lot of thought into the design. GREAT JOB!!!!!!! Sorry I didn't say that in my first post.

I understand the business aspects of getting a new product off the ground and acknowledge you for taking on such a major endeavor.

Finally, please put my name at the top of the list for the southpaw version :)

Thanks You, for all that you do for all of us.

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