Retumbo and barrel length


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2012
I'm using Retumbo for the first time, and had a few questions.
For loads of 100 grains or more, is there a minimum barrel length that a guy should have to allow the powder to fully burn?
26", 28", 30"?

Guns are a .30/378 and .416.

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I'm using Retumbo for the first time, and had a few questions.
For loads of 100 grains or more, is there a minimum barrel length that a guy should have to allow the powder to fully burn?
26", 28", 30"?

Guns are a .30/378 and .416.


There have been tests run which show that to FULLY burn ,you need at least 36", depending on powder. I wouldn't worry whether or not it was 26" or 30" except you will lose approx. 40'/sec for every inch.......Rich
In my .300 RUM with a 26" barrel with a brake, anything over 102g of Retumbo doesn't have any more velocity increase. I am assuming that it is reaching the point where there it too much podwer to burn completely in a 26" barrel. I could be wrong though, just my opinion.
In my .300 RUM with a 26" barrel with a brake, anything over 102g of Retumbo doesn't have any more velocity increase. I am assuming that it is reaching the point where there it too much podwer to burn completely in a 26" barrel. I could be wrong though, just my opinion.

I don't know what bullet weight that is with but you could pushing chamber pressure as well! Once you reach a certain point, velocity will not increase
I don't know what bullet weight that is with but you could pushing chamber pressure as well! Once you reach a certain point, velocity will not increase

It is with 180g Partitions. I get very very slight ejector marks at temps above 90 degress with 103g.
barrel lenght and powder are moot unless you know your expantion ratio. Once you know your expantion ratio (ER) then you can choose the best powder for your rifle.
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