Are the prices ever coming down on components?!

Lots of factors driving prices right now. I buy when I find what I need and smile knowing I can still shoot. I honestly wouldn't mind the higher prices if availability would be better but it's the season we're in right now.
Makers and sellers of components can't outrun the law of supply and demand. Markets will adjust, and the prices will eventually come back to normal. Especially once things stabilize in Ukraine and the covid thing is finally behind us. That "normal" might be a little higher to account for the regular rate of inflation, but they will come back to what we are use to. They always do.

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We live in a finite world with finite resources, and now we are approaching 8 Billion people on this planet. We have created the most complex production and delivery systems ever seen, and they are spread out across the globe and interdependent on numerous factors not in the many countries' control. Once one or a few of those dominoes gets bumped, it begins a cascading event. Add to that, printing Trillions of fiat FRN's and handing out "free" money, and you have the perfect trap that has begun to spring in all directions. Shooting being only one of thousands.

Basically, we have entered a great time of correction, but it will be painful, costly, filled with conflict and will take years to resolve. Along that road, many things will never be "the same" as before.

The time of great change has arrived.
Here's my take on it….Everything revolves around petroleum Biden cancels the pipeline.
Big oil gets together and decides OK Joe you want to get into a psn match? We know a little about politics too. Gas/Fuel production goes down prices go up. It costs the transportation of everything to go up, fuel costs again. Fast forward to Hunter money conspiracy finally comes to light. Big oil sits back and lets the corrupt media do the work for them, just like the Dems did to Trump, and big oil has made their point to DC. Brandon & company has no clue as how to deal with Putin and the domestic S**t storm they find themselves. IMHO …
I feel one of the best ways to curb the price is this: STOP BUYING SO **** MUCH. And especially, stop buying from these yahoos on Gunbroker. They are the ones putting everything on backorder and keeping the market so high. Price is based on supply and demand, as we all know. Demand is the highest it's ever been and supply has never caught up from the Covid shutdowns. So pump the brakes and let supply catch up
I see 2 groups of people, those that can afford the higher prices and buy everything they can ..... and those that are priced out and think if group 1 wouldn't buy powder and primers that the store would magically lower the price. It doesn't work that way.
I don't think we are being realistic. Let's apply the same strategy to everything else and see how it works ..... let's all quit buying 80k trucks and see if they will magically be 50k next year ..... you could say that about everything from furniture to gas to baseball bats and your collective efforts are not going to change prices.
We will never see prices like this again.1994 Midsouth catalog.
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This perfect storm will pass but don't expect prices to return to what they were… thank uncle Joe's inflation for that. But at some point people are going to realize that they have 2-3 lifetimes worth of consumption in their closets and this prolific hoarding will cease… then manufacturers will have the opposite problem… not enough demand for a few years and we can expect manufacturers to compete more aggressively on price and innovation… we'll also get to see those organizations that have taken advantage of consumers suffer first and pay for their sins. As far as timing, my crystal ball is broken but retailers ammo shelves seem to be filling up more these days which is a good sign… powder and primer will be the last to recover. I'm guessing we're still 18 months to two years away from feeling like availability is back to pre-uncle Joe /Pandemic insanity levels.
I saw remington loaded .30-06 ammo at a LGS today for $29.99 per box. That is somewhat reasonable, maybe every body going to have to just shoot a .30-06
Based on putting components together that's not a bad price. I still reload, but for the persons that doesn't reload that a very good price. I figure it's about $1.75 or more to reload including the case, and 20 firing on the case. That might be to many times. So that prices is $1.50 per round which includes a case after the fact.
NOPE, not coming down anytime soon! This is the new normal.

There was an optimist (I'd pray he was right) that used to reply to all the posts like this saying it's just another election year and it always happens like this, and to stop panicking. Haven't seen him post that in a while though lol.

FAR from a normal election year and shortage. Things aren't getting better price wise, for anything. Especially powder/primers/bullets/food/lumber/gas/natural gas/vehicles etc…or anything else necessity or luxury….. Awesome huh?

This is apparently what the majority of Americans wanted that voted for all this. I just hope they're happy with how much better off they are now, and how much less chaotic their lives are vs the Previous 4 years.

So yes just line up and hand them a blank check and be happy, IF it can be found. 😃
You nailed it Brother!👍

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