Montana x-bows illegal

Arizona Example - "Give an inch and they will take a mile"

The elusive AZ archery Strip tag for monster mule deer — In AZ, if ya got a sore shoulder you can get a doctors note and hunt with a crossbow. My friend had this elusive permit and came across two very healthy 30 year olds hunting legally with their crossbows. It just goes to show ya, if ya make a loophole in the system, some poor sap will take advantage of it!

So Leedslinger/MT257/Feenix, keep Montana Hunting honest and legitimate.
Arizona Example - "Give an inch and they will take a mile"

The elusive AZ archery Strip tag for monster mule deer — In AZ, if ya got a sore shoulder you can get a doctors note and hunt with a crossbow. My friend had this elusive permit and came across two very healthy 30 year olds hunting legally with their crossbows. It just goes to show ya, if ya make a loophole in the system, some poor sap will take advantage of it!

So Leedslinger/MT257/Feenix, keep Montana Hunting honest and legitimate.

This is what I also fear. After they tried pushing this through the legislative session this spring it started out by saying it would need to have a doctors note to use a crossbow. It snowballed into much more and completely different bill by the time it was killed.
Arizona Example - "Give an inch and they will take a mile"

The elusive AZ archery Strip tag for monster mule deer — In AZ, if ya got a sore shoulder you can get a doctors note and hunt with a crossbow. My friend had this elusive permit and came across two very healthy 30 year olds hunting legally with their crossbows. It just goes to show ya, if ya make a loophole in the system, some poor sap will take advantage of it!

So Leedslinger/MT257/Feenix, keep Montana Hunting honest and legitimate.
We allowed handicap people to have a key to unlock and drive behind certain gated roads, shoot from a vehicle, and get special antlerless elk permits in areas that only allow everyone else to take a brow tine Bull. It's called a PTHV (Permit To Hunt from a Vehicle). The people here started doing the same thing. Faking injuries to get that doctors note and apply for the PTHV. Just Google search "Montana PTHV" and you'll find plenty stories in newspapers about the abuse of the system by healthy hunters. Luckily we cracked down on it. It's much harder to get a PTHV now and some of the benefits have been taken away.
We allowed handicap people to have a key to unlock and drive behind certain gated roads, shoot from a vehicle, and get special antlerless elk permits in areas that only allow everyone else to take a brow tine Bull. It's called a PTHV (Permit To Hunt from a Vehicle). The people here started doing the same thing. Faking injuries to get that doctors note and apply for the PTHV. Just Google search "Montana PTHV" and you'll find plenty stories in newspapers about the abuse of the system by healthy hunters. Luckily we cracked down on it. It's much harder to get a PTHV now and some of the benefits have been taken away.
Its terrible when people take advantage of something that should help people in need or truly disadvantaged. Just like everything in life a few ruin it for the many.
in Montana x-bows are illegal to hunt with during the archery season for everyone . as a handi -cap person with a valid doctor permit for Montana i still am not allowed to use a x-bow during archery season. i did purchase a draw lock system for my compound bow but that is very difficult to carry in the mountains and the draw lock is legal in Montana but its a real joke for a handi -cap person to carry and use. Montana bowhunters association is against people with a disability ,i wonder if that is even legal in America to be against handi-cap people like that ? any attorneys out there ? it

They were in Alberta as well until about 10-12 years ago but now handicapped folks can get a permit for them. It was a good change.

might be some easy money
I think the vast majority of laws are stupid. Usually a law happens when someone, somewhere sees something they personally believe isnt right. Then they have the time, money, and connections to complain to lawyers and law makers to get it changed.

OP, sue them if you want. Remove one more stupid law off the books.

As an engineer, that's my free legal advice.
Sorry if I'm a little harsh. But it's these types of people with a feeling of self-entitlement that ruin places like Montana. Same thing when Southern Californians move here then want everything to change to the way they had it in Southern California. If you don't like how our state does business, then leave.

Looks like the OP is from Minnesota. If Minnesota allows him to use a crossbow, then he should stay there. Hunting in Montana is a "PRIVILEGE" for non-residents. It is in no way shape or form their right. I attend the fish and game meetings as much as I can and give input. I don't care either way if handicapped people can use a crossbow or not, but nothing ticks me off more than when some non-resident wants to come into Montana and change how we do things.
I'm from Minnesota and agree 100% with you!!! Don't like it there don't go there. Love Montana.
I think the vast majority of laws are stupid. Usually a law happens when someone, somewhere sees something they personally believe isnt right. Then they have the time, money, and connections to complain to lawyers and law makers to get it changed.

OP, sue them if you want. Remove one more stupid law off the books.

As an engineer, that's my free legal advice.

Not sure what good suing will do. The draw lock device has been tested before and is ada compliant.

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