Retumbo where art thou??

I have 1lb in SW PA if anyone is near me. I'd love to trade it for a lb of RL26. I'd consider selling it, but not ideal.
I heard thru some military dudes that for some months now Retumbo has gone to the military, it sounds like they are developing different loads to include a 338 ultra mag class machine gun, when you combine this with the restrictions on the number of containers of powder allowed on ships from the manufactures locations in Europe, it is going to be awhile. You can bet there will be a toilet paper effect, it will be hoarded !
It ain't gonna be around, or pretty much any trendy Hodgdon powder, for a long time!

Best to find yourself an alternative, it'l probably work out better in the long run, like I have found.
no shop. just bought a ton of stuff when I had a reloading bench in the house right next to my shooting range. Severe decrease in load development and shooting has lessened my need.
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