Starting a custom light(ish) weight .338 Norma build!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2015
Southwest Wyoming
So my buddy and I are putting together a full custom light build to be a hammer for long range elk, that also won't kill you to pack it back in. This will be my first time putting together a full custom, and my buddies first custom rifle at all.

We knew we wanted a .338 cal to shoot the berger 300 grain pills, due to how little wind drift and the massive energy they deliver, and we also want a repeater. The elk around here are timber rats, only showing themselves in small openings and returning back to the trees, it is RARE to see them in large openings. So, even though we havent had any issues yet with smaller calibers putting them down fast, we don't want to take that chance, so we're goin big.

We went back and fourth on the 338 edge, 338 lapua or lapua improved, or the 338 Norma. We finally settled on the Norma because even using the 300 grain bergers, we can seat the bullet right out to the lands and still have room for the throat to grow and fit in a CIP length dbm or Wyatts 3.825" bottom metal. And, from everything I'm seeing, in a 28"-30" barrel, 2800+ is doable, and running ballistics and looking at drift and energy/speed, 2800 vs 3000 is really not a huge difference, we still get all the performance we want at the lower speed, without the headach of needing to go single shot or messing with a 4.00" Wyatts mag box.

For the stock, we have a Manners EH-1A in molded GAP camo being built right now. The adjustable cheek hardware adds around 3/4 of a pound, but my buddy really wanted it and I don't mind it either, and with the carbon shell and light fill, it should still be under 3 lbs.

Now for the action. This was a hard decision, because in the norma you can even use a basic savage or remington with a reamed bolt face, due to the short OAL, and also there are so many nice custom actions it was hard to pick one. After calling Gunwerks, Surgeon, Stiller, Lone Peak, Defiance Machine, Bat Machine, Bighorn Actions, and looking into the Mausingfield actions, we decided on the TAC 338 action from Stiller. While this action is a little bigger diameter and the nose is a little longer, adding wieght, we figured the extra strength was worth it, and we would pick other places to try and save wieght. Plus, while all of them were friendly to talk with, the owner of Stiller seems like an awesome guy as well, and ******** with me for half an hour on the phone.

We are also going with the Stiller DBM, it seems high quality, and going with a BDL you can either go with a canoe bottom and get 3, or have a 2 round capacity, and sometimes with certain stocks only fit 1 in the mag. With the DBM we will have 5+1. Also, we had a DBM design idea from the start anyway.

For the barrel, we are going to give Carbon Six a try. They use Mcgowen barrels turned down and wrapped. We will use a 1in9 twist, and magnum contour, that finishes at .900" at the muzzle. I have a smith that I use around here, but after talking with carbon six, they do chamber and install barrels for you, and only charge $155 including rental for a 338 Norma reamer that they don't have on hand. Has anyone used their gunsmith services or familiar with them?

For the brake, we are thinking one from MBM or possibly the PVA Rocket scientist, but I could use some suggestions here. I like my MBM on my .260 AI, but have never braked a large magnum. We don't want some big thing that looks like it should be on a tank either, and we dont want radial, as this will mostly be shot off the dirt, and prefer a self timing brake that we can instal. Any suggestions guys??

Triggertech will be our trigger, and I will do any fitting and the bedding. From adding up the numbers, the bare rifle will be around 7.5-8.5 lbs, so a 10-11 lb ready to hunt rifle is what we are looking at, depending on scope/bipod choice, which is fine by us. My current set up is 14 lbs, and I packed that thing all over the mountain last year. Taking 4 lbs off would be awesome.

I need to do some research as to where to start on load developement, but that is still a ways down the road. We are super excited about this build, and cant wait to bang some steel and start filling the freezer with this thing!! I'll update as the build comes along. Thanks for reading guys, take care!!
Sounds nice! Anxious to see how the carbon barrel works out. I have 2 338 normas and really like the cartridge. H-1000 will get me 2750 with about a27 inch barrel. Not hotrodded. Excellent of mine is built on a tac338 with a sendero contoured fluted brux 27 inches. Manners t5 with heavy fill I think. I am thinking about building a lighter one. I have never shot that one unsuppressed and it's pretty big and heavy fully loaded with 22 ounces of suppressor on it. Next one may be a lighter weight single shot with maybe 24 inch barrl.
Just finished my 338 Norma and broke it in.
Defiance Hunter action
Krieger #6 @ 26"
4 port Muscle brake
McMillian A3 stock with Mag fill and 1" pad
PT&G bottom metal with AICS Mag.
Jewel trigger

Comes in around 10 lbs 5 oz. Adding large optics puts it around 12 lbs. I bet you'll be a tad lighter with the carbon barrel. I'm getting 2750 fps as the sweet spot with H1000, Retumbo, or RE 22 with the 300 grainers.

Most of my guns are about 9 or 10 lbs and I can feel the added weight of the 338. I wanted to shoot a whole mag rapidly without POI change, thus the #6 barrel. The break is good. I figure I could go a pound or more lighter before recoil started getting obnoxious.
since you were talking about putting game down fast, have you thought about using the 285 eldM instead of the 300 gr berger?
funny, I have a box of the 285 ELDM's on the shelf as was planning to do a pressure work up load this weekend. They seat lower in the case due to the more rounded profile than the VLDs.
funny, I have a box of the 285 ELDM's on the shelf as was planning to do a pressure work up load this weekend. They seat lower in the case due to the more rounded profile than the VLDs.
If I built another 338 that would be the bullet id go for !
in for details. I've got a rem LA clone action on its way and have been tossing around big 338's. I thought I had settled on the 338rum, but maybe the norma is worth another look.
My 338 Norma I just received:

Defiance Hunter
Bartlien Sendero contour 26", 9.3 twist
McMillan Lazzeroni EDGE
NF NXS 5.5-22x50

Comes in at 12lb 2oz

2670 with H1000 and 300 EH, mild load. Will try RL 33 and N217 next spring to get some more speed.
since you were talking about putting game down fast, have you thought about using the 285 eldM instead of the 300 gr berger?
I ran ballistics, and with what I see people getting the 285 up to compared to 2750 with the 300 (using applied ballistics verified bc's) the Berger 300 outperformed it in every way accept drop, which I don't take mich consideration for as that is the one factor that is exactly quantified with the use of a good rangefinder. Energy, wind drift, and it stayed above 1600 fps farther out than the 285.
in for details. I've got a rem LA clone action on its way and have been tossing around big 338's. I thought I had settled on the 338rum, but maybe the norma is worth another look.

The main reason we are going Norma is we want a repeater. You can do it with the rum's, edge's, Lapua's and such, but if you run the long 300 Berger you pretty much need a 4.00" Wyatts mag box (mainly with the edge.

If you want to use the 285 hornady or 300 sierra that doesnt have quite as long of a nose, you could probably make it work, but I didnt want to be limited on the build.

And also, for all practical purposes, if you run ballistics with a 300 Berger there is very little difference between 2750-2800 vs the 2900-2950 you would get on the higher end 338's.
I should explain better where I came up with my data on the 285 ELD-M vs. the Berger 300 grain. While Hornady advertises a G1 bc of .829 and G7 of .417, the Applied Ballistics (bryan litz) G1 bc is .775 and G7 bc is .397 so makes it fall significantly short of the G1 of .837 and G7 of .429 from the 300 Berger.

I will also say that I have exactly zero hands on experience with either of these bullets as this will be my first 338 I have toyed with, but the 300 Berger is pretty well established. Also, I do plan on testing the 285 ELD-M's in the 338 Norma.
I should explain better where I came up with my data on the 285 ELD-M vs. the Berger 300 grain. While Hornady advertises a G1 bc of .829 and G7 of .417, the Applied Ballistics (bryan litz) G1 bc is .775 and G7 bc is .397 so makes it fall significantly short of the G1 of .837 and G7 of .429 from the 300 Berger.

I will also say that I have exactly zero hands on experience with either of these bullets as this will be my first 338 I have toyed with, but the 300 Berger is pretty well established. Also, I do plan on testing the 285 ELD-M's in the 338 Norma.

Are those litz numbers for the 285 eldm or the 285 amax?
Are those litz numbers for the 285 eldm or the 285 amax?

285 ELD-M.
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