More Hog hunting

Woooha JE...I'm an no northerner! ;) Macon, Georgia born and raised. I lived out in texas too. I was at fort hood for 4 years. The worst I have ever seen hogs was at fort Stewart Georgia. My buddy and i just walked the tank trails and saw about 50 or 60 throughout the day. I bagged 3 on that day. The only time I saw a bad hog population was hunting in east texas. I never saw any at fort hood. I think all the tanks and training events scared them off. Thanks for your input, JE.
Woooha JE...I'm an no northerner! ;) Macon, Georgia born and raised. I lived out in texas too. I was at fort hood for 4 years. The worst I have ever seen hogs was at fort Stewart Georgia. My buddy and i just walked the tank trails and saw about 50 or 60 throughout the day. I bagged 3 on that day. The only time I saw a bad hog population was hunting in east texas. I never saw any at fort hood. I think all the tanks and training events scared them off. Thanks for your input, JE.

I knew you were not from up north, Just wanted to point out that depending on where a person is from may effect his feelings on this matter.

I knew that other states had problems with them, but not to the extent that Texas has.

Hogs are very smart and will adapt to there conditions fast. so hunting tactics must constantly
change. 10 years ago hogs were very rare in Texas but once they showed up, it has been a struggle
ever sense.

There are more hogs in some places because of the cover (Hunting is not as successful) and other means are used.( Large traps) some traps are capable of trapping hundreds of hogs at a time
and do, with very little effect on the population.

I though about my comparison to fire ants and comparing them to cock roaches is probably a better
comparison because you cant kill them one at a time and have any effect on the population, you have to go for the masses.

As you can probably tell, I don't like what the hogs have/are doing to our State and feel that if we cant control them, we need to eradicate them.

I live in NE Florida. We are over run with them. We have a contest after deer season and have killed 35 or more a day. I killed 10 plus in a day. We trap them. It doesn't matter we haven't slowed them down at all. We are going to try some long range on them after the first off the year.
I have had a chance to hunt pigs from a helo and let me tell you it is one cool experience! If you ever have a chance to do it, NEVER ever pass it up. Its not as easy as it looks :rolleyes:
Hello from up North! We don't have the feral hog problem up here yet, we have millions of them in confinement buildings tho. A few years back hog prices dropped drastically and a local farmer advertised that anyone could come out and shoot there own hog for 5 buck's...the local media cooked him up like so much bacon.

Seem's to me I remember an article in an outdoor magazine where a Texas rancher had imported a Russian boar to breed with feral swine which his hands had trapped for the purpose and then were released...I aint even goin down that road.

As for the Heli hunt, sign me up!! The Genie(piggy?) is out of the bottle now and I'd have no compunction taking them any way possible short of poison. Swine are voracious omnivores, they will eat anything,even taking a farmer or two back in my dad's day.
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