wow this kid is amazing ak-47 from just paper


Feb 6, 2010
seabrook, tx
well i dont know if this is a good spot for the post but it is basicly gunsmithing.
this kid is building guns out of paper with all the actual working parts. im talking bolts and locking lugs. extractors. firing asymblys the works even talks about head spacing and go/no go tool. im very impressed. i dont know if he actually plans on fireing them (i hope not) but there good working models. heres the link.

well after futher review he does shoot them with blank cartriges. wow.

YouTube - Paper AK Update #17
YouTube - Paper AK Update #16
YouTube - Paper AK Update #18
YouTube - Paper AK Update #20
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I have a wood lathe for making pens with a duplicating feature so i thought i would make some wooden bullets and worked out VERY WELL an exact copy of a 30/06 and 308 case with a bullet in it.
The kid making the PAPER guns in the video I WAS hearing a metallic sound as he was moving the AK bolt back and forth didn't know PAPER would sound like metal with some GLUE on it.
IF that is real, those are VERY VERY impressive. However, did anyone else notice how he seemed a little clumsy and was throwing the parts around? you would need to be very precise to build that stuff, and i sure wouldnt treat my work like that. For example in the one video when he was removing the trigger.

If it is paper, it's sheet glued over sheet and then the parts cut out, i dont see how else you would get such crisp edges. Definetely weird, and impressive looking. Thanks for posting.
well i guess in a round about way all he is doing is making laminated parts. just like wook layer upon layer. and if you know anything about ak's they have pretty loose tolerances anyway thats what makes them so hardy. not very accuret but very hardy.
I'm doubting this was done with scissors and elmers glue.

I'm guessing a rapid prototyping machine like what the big car manufacturer's use to use years ago.

sheets of paper stacked, stacked, stacked and then laser cut.

He's got a spin on it with the barrel being wrapped (along with the bolt and whatnot) but I'm pretty confident he's using some sort of programmable RPM to do the bulk of the work.

Another option would be to pressure mold this with a resin. It'd be pretty **** tough at that point.

the bolt does have a metal extractor in it I noticed. Not surprising considering the job it has to perform.

Regardless that's one hell of an origami project!
Regardless that's one hell of an origami project!

Hahaha sure is serious origami, it's greenpeace's worst nightmare... guns made out of paper!
Hahaha sure is serious origami, it's greenpeace's worst nightmare... guns made out of paper!

+1 I can hear it now .......Obama bans all paper:D Wait a minute he couldn't sell all of the college kids on EDUCATION . For his next election could he ??

Or the TSA!

i was thinking the same thing its like the poor mans plastic gun (poor man with way to much time.) what shocked me was that he was firing cast metalic bullets from it in one of his videos on youtube along with making granade fuses. and flashbangs. i liked to blow things up as a kid but i never would have even invisioned things like this. i didnt have the (world wide how to guide ) when i was a kid though.

and the obama thing with banning paper thats right up there alley. sorry kids no more art at school we're afraid johnnys gonna make a dirty bomb out of recycled memos and elmers.
and the obama thing with banning paper thats right up there alley. sorry kids no more art at school we're afraid johnnys gonna make a dirty bomb out of recycled memos and elmers.
I had a few report cards that blew up in my face when i was a kid.:D
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