Whether to use horse on DIY Colorado 3rd season elk hunt


Active Member
Sep 21, 2014
Middle USA
I am booked for a elk hunt this CO 3rd rifle season ( high altitude probably ) in San Juan mountains. If I choose the outfitter will let me use a horse provided by him including a wrangler to handle horse chores ( feeding, etc). I am comfortable with riding horses. I have ridden his horses before into DIY camp thus I know the horses are good. Certain things are obvious in that I can cover more ground. But will horse also scare elk off. My question is whether the horse gives me a real advantage or not with the elk hunt during the week. Thanks in advance.
That's what I was thinking since the horse wrangler is included. Also while he won't be a guide I can't help but think he can give me some good tips during the week. ( big friggin tip$$ ). But I always think about that scene in Jeremiah Johnson on elk & horses as to whether they really aren't spooked.
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I am booked for a elk hunt this CO 3rd rifle season ( high altitude probably ) in San Juan mountains. If I choose the outfitter will let me use a horse provided by him including a wrangler to handle horse chores ( feeding, etc). I am comfortable with riding horses. I have ridden his horses before into DIY camp thus I know the horses are good. Certain things are obvious in that I can cover more ground. But will horse also scare elk off. My question is whether the horse gives me a real advantage or not with the elk hunt during the week. Thanks in advance.
Horses are awesome...we always use them elk hunting. They usually see game before we do, and I have noticed the elk are way less jumpy when you roll up on a horse instead of on foot. Plus it is awesome to let them pack em out once you get one on the ground.
On a serious note, I would definately opt for the pack animal. They don't scare game off, we do.
Take the horse, as already said, they don't scare anything and help you to scare less (and they help cover your scent). Plus in the San Juans 3rd season you could have no to several feet of snow. Have you packed an elk out before? Even if a cow, not much fun and very hard on the knees and back. And elk don't know how many legs a horse has pilgrim! But, remember don't shoot from under the horse. Or you will be packing it out.
Horses do not scare the elk off. If anything they will get you closer to the elk. There have been several occasions where we have ridden right up on animals. The key is knowing when to get off. As soon as you start your dismount, that elk no longer sees the horse. They see you. If you can shoot from your horse, then you really have an advantage.

Ditto on everybody's reply's. Having been there done that they can be a great asset. As predatorslayer pointed out, pay attention to your horse. He will almost always see or hear the elk first.
Have fun, and a successful hunt!

But don't fall off the horse.

Consider emergency communications & helicopter evac insurance options.

Hunting buddy came off a horse on last year's elk hunt in rugged terrain, was lucky with only cracked ribs and massive bruising. Horse eager to go home near dusk, rocks of various sizes carpeting the ground, horse slipped, horse went one way, rider went the other... (ER folks said from what they see the most dangerous animal in the woods is the horse).
I am booked for a elk hunt this CO 3rd rifle season ( high altitude probably ) in San Juan mountains. If I choose the outfitter will let me use a horse provided by him including a wrangler to handle horse chores ( feeding, etc). I am comfortable with riding horses. I have ridden his horses before into DIY camp thus I know the horses are good. Certain things are obvious in that I can cover more ground. But will horse also scare elk off. My question is whether the horse gives me a real advantage or not with the elk hunt during the week. Thanks in advance.
I believe the horse will let you get to hard to get to areas that are far from camp and elk dont seem to mind horses !
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