What GPS do you prefer?


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2015
Texas hill country
Last year I was unhappy with my GPS on a DIY elk hunt in Colorado and would like to look into purchasing another. Of course I am on a budget so I would like to get the most bang for my buck.

What type of GPS do you use when backpack hunting and why?
I've been looking at the Montara. I like being able to load aps and not needing to carry multiple devices.
I haven't been able to find anyone with one to talk to about how it works for them.
Hi James, you don't need cell coverage to use the gps. It has the same gps chip as the Garmin and if you download a gps app and the maps you need it will replace a stand alone gps with the bonus of having a camera built in.

Hi James, you don't need cell coverage to use the gps. It has the same gps chip as the Garmin and if you download a gps app and the maps you need it will replace a stand alone gps with the bonus of having a camera built in.

Hmmm..... Could this be used in airplane mode in town as a test?
I purchased the Hunt onXmaps micro-sd chip for my Garmin after seeing a professional guide using it on a trophy muley hunt. They are offered for most states. Very detailed, easy to use and good useful info. A few $ more than the Garmin state chip, but I had the Garmin chip and returned it for the Hunt onXmaps. $99 as opposed to a new unit. Fulfills my needs for my hunts.
I haven't used a stand alone GPS in a long long time. My Android phone (Samsung Galaxy s7) has a better screen, and overall better GPS performance than a dedicated GPS device.
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