What came first: the chicken or the egg

The wind is so frustrating when trying to dial in something precise; you can't ever "know" if a flyer was wind, you, or some quirk in the reloading or settings you chose. But it does seem like 0.45" off the lands has some definite potential.
True statement ......wind sux! Lol. It's part of the game though.
I think some playing with charge weight up and down a .1, and some small adjustments off that .045 seating depth , and I should be able to find a really challenging load to shoot.
Or, more to the point, what do you do first when starting a new load for a new rifle ? Do you run seating depths at a median charge weight or do you set the bullet .0XX off the lands and find your powder charge first. I dont have a chrono, so I can't hunt for a node . I'm shooting a 6.5 creed, 24" sendaro contour barrel, rem 700 action, h4350 and rl16, Berger vld 130s, cci br LR primers, if that matters. I know the vlds are a little unique on seating depth.
The egg of course. Used to be a Trex then the short little forearms tilted to the ground. Now there is a chicken. Mystery solved.
Next thing your gonna tell me is neanderthals opened the first Kentucky Fried Trex franchise . It was next door to the barber shop that first started the hairless body crazy. We all know now from fossil records of course, that the barber started that craze so his cousin , Ohwahoowa, could begin the whole clothing industry to keep all our little ol relatives from freezing to death. If it wasn't for the antripanorial skills of Ohwahoowa, we would all still be covered in a nice thick coat of insulating fur and Levi's would have never existed.
Next thing your gonna tell me is neanderthals opened the first Kentucky Fried Trex franchise . It was next door to the barber shop that first started the hairless body crazy. We all know now from fossil records of course, that the barber started that craze so his cousin , Ohwahoowa, could begin the whole clothing industry to keep all our little ol relatives from freezing to death. If it wasn't for the antripanorial skills of Ohwahoowa, we would all still be covered in a nice thick coat of insulating fur and Levi's would have never existed.
Well now that you mentioned it
This very question is one that I had at one point and I went with the forum consensus: charge first. Boy was that a mistake! Now you may be one of these rare cats where seating depth doesn't matter much, but if you read Berger's technical bulletin on seating depth - you'll see that it makes waaaaay more sense to START with SEATING DEPTH. Two posts within the last week or two confirm what Berger has been saying: one of four depths will be decidedly better than the other three. And further, that this ideal depth is not very charge sensitive. Why not start with depth using a middle-of-the-road charge?
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