Well well, it only took fourteen years ...

Hope you shoot a big one!
I've been putting in for Utah LE Bull Elk for 8 years now, hope it isn't another six years but I'm sure it will be worth it.
Be sure to post some pictures this fall!
That justifies a NEW GUN!

man, i wish... but that EDGE will have to wait for better finincial times around my place.

Strangely though, just the other night i woke up to an odd clattering in the basement...

i grabbed the glock... snuck down the stairs w/my faithful lab in tow...

.... eased the door open to the man cave, and there on the floor was my 300win and my 6.5X284... nothing damaged, nothing missing... but the odd thing was, the winny was on top of the 6.5...


... just today, i figured it out...

... those two had had a wrestling match to see who gets to go poke a hole in a big stinkey! winny had the 284 PINNED!!
i went on this hunt with a buddy last season. He had a shot on one enormous bull (370) at 427yds and elected to pass because of slight winds, gusting to 10mph. He was shooting 190gr Bergers out of a 7mag, and had been practicing for months, so i was more than a little disappointed he decided not to shoot. This bull was shot two days later, along with another that went 394 just in the next drainage...

The Monsters are there... i just need a little luck to stumble into one.

Thanks for the good words gents.
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