Vortex Viper Rifle Scopes


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2008
Beeville Tx
I just recieved my Sendero II 300 RUM that I bought from a member on here and I am thinking about the Vortex Viper Scope for optics. Can anyone on here please tell me about them as far as clarity, ruggedness, and tracking back to zero, any good or bad input would be appreiciated, I plan on trying to reach out to @ least a 1000 yards. Thanks, CMHgun)
I have one. Here's my review of it. 6.5-20x50 plex reticule. From all of the spinning I've done on my turrets they always returned to zero, no problem there. I think the clarity is right up there with more expensive glass. Elevation adjustment is rated at 65 MOA and that was exactly what mine spun to from top to bottom. I've shot to 1000 yards and beyond with mine but I have a 20 moa canted base from EGW (only $40).
There customer service and warranty are second to none, so if you buy one you have nothing to worry about. Only complaint I would have is the turrets aren't exposed (they have dust caps) I would prefer the NF or Mark 4 style but that's just my personal preference.

Hurry, there's one for sale in the classifieds.
I have two 6.5x20x44 with the BDC reticule and really like them. Have shot the box with both and they both passed that test with flying colors. I have a new rifle ordered and am going to put another Viper on it.
I have the same 6.5-20x50 viper and it is very nice... my only hangup now is that you have to be very careful w/the short eye relief... I know it may be an inch or so less then others but watchout for a black eye if its on a larger cal.
I'll be able to tell you more next weekend. I have two of them coming in from Scott at Liberty Optics. One is going on a Savage .300 WSM and the other on a DPMS LR-308. I can get out to about 840 yards at my main shooting range. Probably can't get any further than that until the snow melts. Scott was great to work with. I'm looking forward to shooting them.

The only thing that keeps me from buying one is the rather short eye relief. I dont have any magnum rifles but I like more eye relief especially when cranking the power from low to high. Lets us know how it works out for you.
Yes the eye relief would proably be an issue on any of the RUM's without a brake. I am planning to buy one for my 270 and don't expect to have any issues on it.
I put my 6.5-20 on a 270 wsm and the eye relief is definately something to be aware of before you get a busted nose or black eye. Even with a brake on my 300RUM and a leupold 6.5-20, ive been bumped a few times when I thought I had everything under control. again, good luck
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