
Thank them in person, much better feeling for them to realize they were and are still appreciated. When I traveled a lot in business I always tried to pick up a check of a serviceman or woman in the airport without them knowing who. Its easy and sends a powerful message.

So my wife and I ate out this morning and 2 old geezers with veteran hats sat near us. We stopped them when going by our table and asked for their checks. They were Viet Nam veterans, my age (old geezers huh?) and we thanked them after brief talk. I was rejected in physical for Nam due to some health concerns and have special place for Nam vets.

So we walked up to register to pay their checks, the restaurant was doing free breakfasts for vets unannounced nor posted anywhere so we looked like complete idiots for not knowing that. Not posted anywhere but the owner thanked us for trying.

The restaurant does have their outside sign announcing free chicken dinners to all vets today. Which is why we go there, they get it!
Thank them in person, much better feeling for them to realize they were and are still appreciated. When I traveled a lot in business I always tried to pick up a check of a serviceman or woman in the airport without them knowing who. Its easy and sends a powerful message.

So my wife and I ate out this morning and 2 old geezers with veteran hats sat near us. We stopped them when going by our table and asked for their checks. They were Viet Nam veterans, my age (old geezers huh?) and we thanked them after brief talk. I was rejected in physical for Nam due to some health concerns and have special place for Nam vets.

So we walked up to register to pay their checks, the restaurant was doing free breakfasts for vets unannounced nor posted anywhere so we looked like complete idiots for not knowing that. Not posted anywhere but the owner thanked us for trying.

The restaurant does have their outside sign announcing free chicken dinners to all vets today. Which is why we go there, they get it!
Definitely sounds like a restaurant worth supporting.
If the citizens of this nation want to be thankful that I pursued a personal passion to be an American fighting man while enjoying most of it, and while also being paid tax dollars to do so, then that is ok. I am glad there are those who had the passion to be doctors, nurses, CNA in nursing homes, paramedics, police officers, lineman, plumbers, steel workers, the list goes on. I get weird when people thank me, because I have just as much thanks for all the others. I was a volunteer. You don't have to thank me, and if you do, I just see it as a mutual respect for whatever you do too.
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