tikka t3


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2013
lebanon oregon
I have a tikka T3 in a 270 wsm that im going to re barrel either to a 1-9 twist for the 165matrix vld. or to a 7LRM . im getting a manner EH-3 stock and CDI bottom metal, going with a #3 or 4 barrel contour trying to have a light ish weight rifle for shots out to 800ish yards on game. i was wondering if anyone did a tikka build here and if they had there action trued up? just not sure if the tikka actions are good to go without any work on them.anything will help thank you
Interesting I'm also thinking of rebarrelling my T3 270wsm to a 6.5 rsaum. I can't decide if I should leave the small recoil lug or convert to a rem style. Did not mean to hijack thread.
Your not hijack at all, I would build a 6.5 saum also but already have a copper 6.5x284 so want something a little bigger but I do like the idea of the 6.5 saum. And I will probably have one once I get some other first
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