Tigers off Atlantic Beach, NC


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2009
Eastern NC
Even in our 26 footer, I kept hearing the quote from Jaws...."We are going to need a bigger boat!"....

I was an hour into the fight and still had not seen the fish that had eaten my bluefish. Finally 67 minutes into the fight, the shark cirlcles behind the boat though a 6 foot swell.....and it was huge....

This was this past Friday, with my Buddy Tony, on his boat the Lucky Lady. We had been going for dolphin and Wahoo, but storms had kept us closer to shore, and really made the ocean rough. We decided to drop for grouper, and while bottom fishing, I saw a large shark circle the boat on each drift. Without my gear, I had to rig up with a grouper hook snelled with 150# mono leader. Not a good shark set up, to not have cable on your hook, but I thought it would be fun while it lasted...and it lasted for over an hour and a half.

The stand up 30 was sitting queitly for less than 5 minutes on the next drift, before the line began to tear off the reel. I engaged the drag and held on...and held on. Half the line was gone and the fish was still going hard and fast. We ended up chasing the shark over 5 miles during the fight.

Just over an hour in, I was able to get him up behind the boat, and that is when we knew how big he was, but still did not know what he was. We saw the boat and sounded. It was another 15 minutes before I got him up and that is when I saw the stripes....It was a massive Tiger shark.

After 96 minutes on the rod, the shark was beside the boat and beat. He was on his side and ready to surrender. With one last shake of his head, he popped the leader and slowly swam down and away, being chased by two ramoras. It was an epic battle, and I feel we were both victors. From the basic details we could figure while he was along side the boat, we estimate him at 17 to 17.5 foot long. I laid that length out ont he floor today,a nd I feel he was every bit that big or bigger. From a weight generator, that would put him at about 750 pounds. Anyway, thought you guys might like a fish story to go along with our long range shooting.

I added a picture, but it does not do the shark justice on size as there is nothing for scale, and although I asked several times, my buddy refused to swim beside the shark for scale. Some people only think about themselves, so sorry about his lack concern for the greater good.

I have attached a few pictures below.


AKA Sealesniper


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Just a simple question or two. How would one unhook that beast without loosing body parts? What's the world record for a tiger shark?

Very impressive fish no mater what!
We did not have to unhook him as he broke the leader at the side if the boat. But I have a long dehooker that works great.

I don't know the world record but know they grow up to 20 foot and 1000 pounds.
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