They will not stop with bump stocks

Well, the left is certainly as anti-Christian as any atheistic collectivist can be, but the battle for the second amendment is not a religious fight where we can expect God to miraculously fight our battle for us.
In this war, numbers matter. So we can't do like Gideon and send home 21,700 men and go to war with only several hundred. We need every ally to close ranks and shaddup with the infighting, backstabbing, and jealousy, and face the common enemy if we're going to expect to win.
I agree completely, but there are foxes in the henhouse, so I don't fully trust the NRA. They are the ones who started this whole slippery slope debacle by opening their mouths after Vegas. That's why I don't trust them enough to support them on this.
Are the masses that stupid? That's a medical doctor who didn't know how bullets work? I'm pretty sure modern bullets have been doing roughly the same thing since the invention of the mini ball. If that's how they view the .223 imagine what would happen if they saw what a .308 (remember that's what that evil 240B is chambered in) or a .338 Lapua would do!
Simple answer... Yes, they are. That's why Winchester had to completely stop selling the Black Talon ammo, because after the 1993 LA Shootout, the news media claimed they were "cop killer bullets", and "teflon coated to go through armor". The fact is, none of that was true. They did not penetrate body armor, and they were Lubolox coated (kind of like a thick moly coating) and not teflon. It was a smear-campaign all because the ammo looked "evil" with the black bullet, nickel case, and aggressive graphics on the box. That incident also helped spur the 1994 Clinton gun ban. Same thing they're trying to do now.

Also, that's funny you mentioned 240Bravo, my brother was 11Bravo, and ran a 240B on an MRAP convoy, and also ran Guardian Angel missions in Afghanistan.
O taught us that you should already own everything you, your kids, and grandkids (if you are old enough) should ever need.
Yeah, and that homo muslim also said that if you started and own a successful business, "you didn't build that". And he said Trump wouldn't win. And that his wife was a "woman"...Despite calling her "Michael" at a public speech. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Like herding cats, isn't it. LOL
Oh hell yeah. Exactly what Mark Levine and Walter Williams were talking about last night on Fox..."Life Liberty and Levine." It's what the left does so well....divide, spread misinformation and get the other guys arguing among themselves. Both agreed that isn't about the NRA. It is about the future of the 2nd in the face of rapid declines in morality.The left made NRA the issue to bring about exactly what you see here. Does anyone really think CNN did not set up the so called town hall and end up bashing NRA for nothing?
Now that is all you hear. The left sets the agenda and the sheep baaaa ignorantly down the preset path.
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I'm not arguing with anyone. I hate arguing on the forum. But does the fact that I disagree with you mean we are arguing? The left is winning now, **** it!
Oh hell yeah. Exactly what Mark Levine and Walter Williams were talking about last night on Fox..."Life Liberty and Levine." It's what the left does so well....divide, spread misinformation and get the other guys arguing among themselves. Both agreed that isn't about the NRA. It is about the future of the 2nd in the face of rapid declines in morality.The left made NRA the issue to bring about exactly what you see here. Does anyone really think CNN did not set up the so called town hall and end up bashing NRA for nothing?
Now that is all you hear. The left sets the agenda and the sheep baaaa ignorantly down the preset path.

You would have to be brain dead to not know that stupid town hall was just a republican / NRA bash session. I'm so glad that ***** Israel is getting justice served to him now.
Oh hell yeah. Exactly what Mark Levine and Walter Williams were talking about last night on Fox..."Life Liberty and Levine." It's what the left does so well....divide, spread misinformation and get the other guys arguing among themselves. Both agreed that isn't about the NRA. It is about the future of the 2nd in the face of rapid declines in morality.The left made NRA the issue to bring about exactly what you see here. Does anyone really think CNN did not set up the so called town hall and end up bashing NRA for nothing?
Now that is all you hear. The left sets the agenda and the sheep baaaa ignorantly down the preset path.
No, you've got it wrong... The left was blaming the school shooting on the NRA...Which is just beyond idiotic. I'm about as far from being left as you can get. But, I AM saying this bump stock debacle is because of the NRA opening their mouths immediately following the Vegas "event". Which is true. It would have died-off if the NRA hadn't backed the idea of banning them or redefining what a machinegun is.
Have been writing companies that trashed the NRA. Actually got an answer from Best Western today.... they said I "misunderstood" and said "we are apolitical"....They actually think we are stupid enough to swallow that. I wrote back and said that there was no misunderstanding on my part but I could not argue with ignorance.
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