Gday Aron
Look forward to those reports & the videos or pictures in future additions

I'll leave you with this
Once you get more data on the leadfree bullets options start a little bit deeper investigation on the how & why ( the easiest way I found is seek out where they are showing average to bad preformance levels & today I've refined what I consider good as I'm honing in on some real fine things & bangflops I'm still finding room for improvement with the group of other nut jobs I'm lucky to share the same disease with that hopefully raises the bar again 🤞)
Even the mushroom monos produce a good outcome & can be a good option in certain cases that may suit your business or future business plan well , but for now the better shedding monos ( notice I put monos not mono ) reign supreme by a fair margin especially in the velocity window where they have good killing rates not just a dead critter

Cheers Fordy
Fordy- have you run any of the afterburner bullets through your process of trying to make them fail? If so I'd be intetested in any details or a link if you have created a thread doing so.

I like your process of not only trying to prove a bullet will work on game, but also trying to make it fail to work so you can see both strengths and weaknesses

These bullets have peaked my interests in the past, but I don't have the time or opportunities to test on lots of animals like you do so I appreciate both your and other people's experience with real world testing on critters
Gday cohunt
Sorry for the delay the stupid season got hold of me lol
Happy new year

Fordy- have you run any of the afterburner bullets through your process of trying to make them fail? If so I'd be intetested in any details or a link if you have created a thread doing so.

I like your process of not only trying to prove a bullet will work on game, but also trying to make it fail to work so you can see both strengths and weaknesses

These bullets have peaked my interests in the past, but I don't have the time or opportunities to test on lots of animals like you do so I appreciate both your and other people's experience with real world testing on critters
I thought a few of the regular guys in this thread would have steered you in the direction of that information/thread 🤷‍♂️ but everyone misses something so all cool as

Yes I have partially tested ( just under 200 critters ) & I'll explain a little more so it doesn't turn into a 💩show again
Here's the link first

Moving forward to your post above
Thankyou it gives me the drive to keep going as I've struggled lately but starting to focus again with the help of some incredible friends & some I've never met but what they have done is truly incredible/inspiring
Only just started testing again & very slow pace @ present but a American ( I'll withhold his name as he's pretty darn private ) came over in December & helped me get the autopsy results for his pill that he will use in Africa (& for transparency I didn't recieve a cent for doing this only my time & bullets , he helped me more than me him anyway & a frangible junkie to boot ) while it's not complete yet it will be by mid April as he is coming back over to finish those tests & I can't thank him enough as shooting isn't the main problem for me ( although I've not ventured to the 375 yet ) it's the lifting & breaking down a critter that I just haven't been able to do & he was a work horse on helping out
The information that was gathered was once again incredibly useful in showing which pill had the edge over another & im sure he's learnt a lot but while never any guarantees in hunting his final choice on pill will be one that is going to cover a lot of bases & that to me is important & one he must have thought was important or why would you go to those lengths 🤷‍♂️

still have a few more tests over various brands that have also been requested from a few guys on my home forum , they know I'm finishing up & I asked for the ones they wanted to see so I could prioritise the tests to do as I needed to drop some off the list I'd already started on , they just didn't know the extent I was testing pills on so I was a bit sly in how I went about it as the way I asked was more diplomatic I thought kinda like a poll I guess you could say 🤷‍♂️but I got a great list of pills from those guys & thank them for spending the time on thinking what pills seemed the best ones to look @ which I've roughly got 2/3 of them now in my possession so going well & if all goes to plan ill get a heap of data really quickly as culls of camels, horses , donkeys is on the agenda towards the middle of the year , it's the last testing I'll ever do in those numbers & these tests will be exactly the same as the tests to come to finalise my data & previously done so once again
YES I'm going to still try & fail ea & everyone 😇
The failures are important to me & to you also from your comments above as if we can find limits we can go to the hunt knowing a little more on where & what to avoid or just go for it , it's that simple , I like the later & mean no malice to anyone

mark did a great job of learning how his alloy actually had flaws that I showed not the defensive position so many others do or really it shows ( with respect ) their actual lack of knowledge on what's going on

Some companies use it others don't which is solely upto them I've got no skin in any of their businesses which is the way I like it & speak frankly on the results , some accept others put their head in the sand as I've got no obligation other than with myself as I hold my results to a high standard on what's going on & why ( or try as I slipped up pretty big lately & had to apologise massively as I'd steered some down a path of wrong information but no one here on lrh & soon as I knew what happened I spoke up very clearly on my terrible mistake & if I mess up in the future I will also not hide behind anything or anyone as if I can't be honest to myself my word is worthless & morally I was bought up a persons word is everything which is how I still roll today & hope I've instilled that in my boys 🤞)

I really don't care what bullet someone uses ( take @memtb he uses a pill that has so much insurance built in I can't pull his process apart but there are way better pills yes but he's in such a safe zone & the critters he chases I leave him be as he has his head screwed on for what kills , other things in life I'm not so sure 😜🤣 sorry man I can't help myself & everyone never a pm between us but I like him & we joke now & then ) it's the application of some pills & then a less than ideal outcome occurs & it's put up as it's a one off or 💩 happens
When no it was always going too just depends on your number in the bingo raffle.
Some outcomes I've not been able to work out but most I can due to repetition

I'll still shoot as much as my body allows not the detail of autopsy & how / what a bullet is doing so the bullet companies will be on their own then lol

I'm @ ease with a couple companies & are going in the correct direction but still room for improvement imo so hope they don't think they have the holy grail & stop there as that would be a shame imo , a couple other companies I see they believe they already have that perfect designed pill when in fact they are so far behind it's not funny

Cohunt Hope you enjoy that thread I linked & overall the afterburner is a real good pill it's just got a few more boxes to tick off to become a really really good pill & that's coming from a bloke that is never happy or excepts a dead critter is just dead as some know to well & seem to get their knickers in a knot over what is factual information

use it with more confidence than a lot of other brands on the market with the caveat
I'd like to know your actual range of taking a critter the chambering & critter to work out the best possible combo but I'd say another thread or pm might be more appropriate as not to derail the good information here

I'm no guru just good @ what I do
& if that helps others I'm happy & once again your words give me the drive to complete my tests so thankyou sir although it will be with help from others but that's also good as it's not one set of eyes looking

The peanut gallery Ive come to love as everyone needs a good laugh now & then

Sorry for long winded post

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