Tell us about your 2010 bow hunt results!

Len Backus

Staff member
May 2, 2001
Nothing for me so far other than a 72 yard mule deer doe with my TAC 15i crossbow.

How about you guys?
After the last 2 yrs. goose eggs, as my post name shows, I go for 6x6. Passed about 16-18 bulls last two yrs. Finally got r done. My buddy called for me for about 3 hrs. Bull switched ridges, so I hit road and called for him, really aggressive, ended up calling bull to me AT the road.35 yrd shot 35 yrd tracking done at 10 AM slid up bank w/jeep, into truck whole. Sounds like a good BS STORY doesnt it:D SP 6X6
Well the Rut was a tough one for us in Idaho but managed to shoot a 4x5 bull at 35 yrds that died about 70 yards uphill:D from a road, loaded him whole on the quad. Then later that month, 2nd to last day of season snuck in on a Idaho black bear and made a 12 yard shot with a 45 yard recovery. All and all a good season.

Not my success, but I think I might be able to claim some. Alot of work from his father and uncle(me) went into him getting this deer. Now it is our turns. 148gross in velvet for the first deer shot with his bow.

This year we have alot of bucks hanging around so I have held out on a couple 120-130 class bucks. We have some larger on the cameras so hopefully it will work out. If not I already had a great year with Tyler's success.

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Had some success with "stick and string" this year. Here are a couple of young "meat bulls" that I called in. My buddy Ron shot the first one and I connected on the second one. Had lots of "call ins" but these two presented themselves with the "broadside shot".


I harvested a very nice 130" 9 pointer, field dressed it wa 168 lbs on my butchers scale!
in Pa on Oct 12, shot with a horton crossbow a 100 grain 3 blade Rage head, and cabelas bolt, at 8 yards., a dpuble lung hit, but still ran 400 yards, crossed a small stream, and died on an island , surrounded by 4 ft of water!!

I also shot a 118 lb doe 1 week later

and heading to Ohio tomorow!!
I harvested a nice 135'' 9 pointer in Ohio, on nov 18th, my second 9 ptr this year, one in PA, one in Oh.
both almost the exact same size!!
both shot with a X bow, both at less than 8 yards away when shot.
one ran 400 yrds, and one only went 100 yrds! both double lunged !
I haven't the slightest idea how to put a picture on this thing, but I had plenty of luck this year. I harvested a buck that grosses 166 2/8, he'll likely net in the top five in PA for typical bucks harvested with a bow. One week later I sat with my mother who harvested a mature doe, her first bow kill. I'm still not quite sure which I was more excited about. I've always been an advocate of it is the experience not the harvest that makes a hunt/hunter great.
A two hour stalk on a antelope got me a 60 yard shot, ran 50 yards and pilled up at full sprint nothing more satisfying than taking the shot and watching the animal go down. Nothing kills me more than having to wait to go track or even tracking. Always scared I won't find the animal. Early season elk hunting was tough in colorado, passed on cows and only saw a few bulls. Always next year!
Oct 4th I shot a doe, a nice start to my archery hunting season. (always nice to get the first one under the belt early in the season)

I decided this year to buy a new bow and I sold my Matthews Switchback XT and bought a totally blacked out Matthews Z7...holy crap!! I love that bow..that thing is scary quiet and fast zinging my 417 grain arrows at 309 fps.

Also this year I am shooting Slicktricks for my first time and have to say I'm quite impressed...I'll be sticking with them for a while.

Anyway my doe I shot at 18 yds.


Gotta love that X through the lungs.

I have always struggled to kill a buck that scores better than 135", now I do have one that would score 141" but he has a busted eyeguard making him score less than my 135" mark..anyway I blew that away just yesterday.

I found a bucks little honeyhole that had about 8-9 scrapes and lotsa rubs, some about the size of my calf in a 25 yd circle in a thicket near a field was his home.

The previuos night it rained overnight and I knew this buck would be coming around during the day to freshen up his scrapes after the rain quit so I sat on the downwind side of his home.

At this time I wasnt sure just how big he was but knew he was worth a look at least by the size of those rubs.

Sure enough about 10:10 am he comes strolling through freshening up his scrapes and making new rubs.

I saw he was a shooter and decided I was going to shoot him given the chance.

Well he did 24 yds perfectly broadside...I had to stop him twice the first time his vitals were behind a small sapling and I didnt want to risk that shot.

The next time he stops hes in the clear, I release the arrow and to my suprise I hit him squarely in the shoulder...(surely didnt intend to) he spun and ran and I was shocked! how did I do that??!! (in replaying it all in my memory I remember thinking I hit my sleeve on my I have never worn before) anyway he had about 10-11 inches of arrow stuck in him and I figured that should be good enough to do the trick.

I gave him exactly 1 hour and got down and started the tracking job....not much blood but enough to track.

I found the arrow about 5 yds from where I hit him snapped in half and knew the other half was still in him.

I found him 50 yds from where I shot him!!!

I was pumped!! I finally beat my 135" mark!

I took all the measurements got on the B&C website and plugged in the #"s

It kicked back 155 5/8 nontyp and 140 7/8 typ.

Definately my biggest!! and with my bow no less!




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