Swaro scopes


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Mar 25, 2007
I need help from someone that is familiar with Swaro scopes. We have a rifle here that we have completed load work for that has a Swaro scope on it. It is zeroed at 200y. Click value on the scope is 1cm/100m or .366"/100y. It took 40 clicks to get on target at 900y. This rifle is running our 117g Hammer Hunter at 3550 fps and should have a bc very close to .4 g1 or .198 g7. Our long range shooting was at 4200 ft elev and 40*f. I can not for the life of me figure out how to make a drop chart for this rifle with JBM.
Something like this? I get 48 cm at 900 yards, but may not have everything right.
Something like this? I get 48 cm at 900 yards, but may not have everything right.
View attachment 186789
Based on that. How do you dial the scope to shoot a 700y shot? I think I need to find a diff app that has the ability to change the click value. Two things that I want to accomplish. 1st calculate the bc of the bullet for this rifle from the actual drops and print a chart for the customer.
I would
1) ensure inputs were correct (in my example I got wrong zero range),
2) tune BC to match your observed 40 cm at 900 yards,
3) read first column as clicks (cm/100m) at given range.
If I run JBM in mil then I have to take the bc down to .23 to match the drop. This shows that the time of flight is 1.5 sec and impact vel less than the speed of sound. I can say for certain that is was no where near 1.5 sec time of flight. I am pretty sure that we would not have seen the half moa accuracy past the transonic. We must have something else wrong.
Haha! I'm going to go nuts. Using the Swarovski app I have to use a bc that is too high. The bc that we normally run with this bullet is .198 g7. To get the drops to match I have to use a .26 g7. At least we are in the ball park of our data now. I'll take it.

Thanks again for the help guys!
Steve, I shoot mil which is the .36 for 1/10 or 3.6=1mil @100 y.I dont know that I have answer but 1cm=.39'' so 10=3.9 @100.Does that relate. If it is mil I just reread,then just put mil for your value in jbl,with correct zero.Should be close, I use to use that alot.Disregard first of post. You can have yards for distance,and break down drops into any distances you chose, then get the dropes in mil,and wind in mil
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