Sightron Scopes


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2002
okay what's the deal with Sightron scopes? I have tried to find a dealer in Colorado that sells the scopes. I called all the dealers listed from their website. None of them carry the scopes, 1 carried a binocular. some numbers were disconnected. Most of them sounded like I was crazy for asking.. so I'm wondering how many people actually use Sightron scopes? do you just order them sight unseen? or is it just weird that Colorado doesn't have one store that carries them?

For those of you that do you use them, what do they compare to? specifically the Slll line. I'm thinking about buying a 6-24x50. But their customer service was horrible on my initial phone call. if I get any positive feedback I might eube willing to buy one, but as of now it seems like a no go..
I shoot LR competition with several high end scopes: NF, Leupold, March, etc. All have 1/8 dots. I wanted a high power variable with fine crosswire, which I can use to hold off better at 500 and more yds. Problem is that the dots completely cover the 10 ring at those distances. I bought a new Sightron SIII 10-50x50 with fine xwire two weeks ago. Found it on e-bay. I love it. Very clear, fine xwire allows me to easily hold off, and a box test indicated adjustments were accurate and easy. My only complaint is that the side focus requires some effort to turn.

You can find them on NY camerland, optics planet, etc. Google them.
For those of you that do you use them, what do they compare to? specifically the Slll line. I'm thinking about buying a 6-24x50. But their customer service was horrible on my initial phone call. if I get any positive feedback I might eube willing to buy one, but as of now it seems like a no go..

How was their customer service horrible? I've called them quite a few times with tech questions and once with a warranty question and they've always been super helpful. I have a 6-24LRMD and a 6-24LRMO2 and like them both. I'm heavily debating about buying one of their 3.5-10 for my 22lr and my 300 WSM.
So far, those of you that do buy them do so sight unseen. I guess people do that but I just dont think I would do that. I find it hard to believe in this day and age a reputable optics company wouldnt stock their product in sporting goods stores only online. Just seems very strange to me.

The lady that answered the phone at sightron tried to tell me that the dealers listed on their website do in fact carrytheir optics. When I told her I called everyone of them and none of them carried scopes, 1 had a binocular a few numbers were disconnected, some said they hadnt carried them in years. The customer service lady then said she didnt know what to tell me and they only deal with distibuters not individuals.. Ok so i asked for the numbers for the distributers. They were grafs,midway,wholesale hunter,swfa. I called them and of course none could help me. The lady at Sightron was clearly aggitated by my questions and couldnt understand why I would need to actually see the scope before I purchased. Ive run cust service centers before and if one my employees treated customers like that they wouldnt stay employed for long.

I dont see how a company with no retail presence can stay in business but I guess..
Browninglover1 how do you like the LR MOA for hunting in low light? I have been considering the 6-24x50 LR MOA for a 300 win mag that I will be using mostly for lr hunting and I'm not sure about the floating dot in low light. Thanks for any insight.

okay what's the deal with Sightron scopes? I have tried to find a dealer in Colorado that sells the scopes. I called all the dealers listed from their website. None of them carry the scopes, 1 carried a binocular. some numbers were disconnected. Most of them sounded like I was crazy for asking.. so I'm wondering how many people actually use Sightron scopes? do you just order them sight unseen? or is it just weird that Colorado doesn't have one store that carries them?

For those of you that do you use them, what do they compare to? specifically the Slll line. I'm thinking about buying a 6-24x50. But their customer service was horrible on my initial phone call. if I get any positive feedback I might eube willing to buy one, but as of now it seems like a no go..

I would say my Sightron SIII 8x32x56 LRMOA compares to my Vortex PST 6X24X50.Both track very well,,I prefer the feel of the knobs a little better on the Vortex,,To me the SIII win in the glass dept its a tad better to my eyes.

I made one call to Sightron to ask a question and they were very nice and helpful to me!So no complaints there.

Thanks for that comparison. Ive looked through the vortex you referenced and I did really like it. The only thing I was worried about was the very thin reticle. Can you compare the reticles? How do you like the Lrmoa on the Sightron?
I have the LRMOA reticle on an S-III 8-32x56 sitting on a 300RUM. For a 2nd.FP reticle I REALLY like it for any range target shooting. I don't hunt with the 16lb. beast but the scope works perfectly. I LOVE the dot in the center of the reticle. At close range (100yds) I can decide what corner of a 1" square on the target I want to pick off. The other reticle on a different brand of scope I enjoy mayby even more in 1st.FP is the Horus H-59. gun)
Armored transpprt,

Would you like the reticle as much for hunting? Do you think it would work well for low light conditions?
I can't see as where it would be a problem. The glass is on par with much more $ scopes. They make an S-III in the 3.5-10 range with a load of ele. adj. and LRMOA that lights up if you think you may need that and if 10 on the top would be enough. They may have others as well by now, it's been a while since I have looked.
or is it just weird that Colorado doesn't have one store that carries them?
When I worked at Center Drug in Glenwood Springs, we carried Sightron. I know because I have one from there. Got a free shirt from the sales rep too! Center Drug is now a Rite Aid I believe. I worked there back in the late 90's so I have no idea about what they sell now or if they even sell guns and stuff anymore.
If I had to chose between the two for a low light close range hunting scope,,the PST wins mostly because it has a illuminated reticle that is variable.For long range shooting and hunting I would give the edge to Sightron with the LRMOA.Neither are a NF, S&B, or USO,,,but their not priced like one,,,for the money you cant go wrong with either in my book.YMMV.
Okay this is good stuff here. I will call that drug store and see, the ones listed on sightrons site did not but you never know.

The biggest reason im looking at sightron is because of weight, mainly less weight than nightforce. Im not in love with sightron I just want something with good glass and repeatable adjustments. Im not worried about the price either. Im wondering if leupold might work as well. I judge all scopes against nightforce because im most familiar with them..
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