Shoulder Bone - Bone Cyst?


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2013
Not sure where to post this so started here. I have 8 MM diameter bone cyst in right shoulder bone right where rotator attaches and have surgery scheduled 12/3. My question is have anyone else on LRH had similar diagnosis? My surgeon does not know if shooting over the years precipitated it or not. But I have shot heavy recoil calibers plus slugs for very long time so it has a curiosity factor if heavy recoil has contributed to the formation of it. Good news it it was found before really serious crap happens but will done for shooting for probably close to a 9+ months.
Not sure where to post this so started here. I have 8 MM diameter bone cyst in right shoulder bone right where rotator attaches and have surgery scheduled 12/3. My question is have anyone else on LRH had similar diagnosis? My surgeon does not know if shooting over the years precipitated it or not. But I have shot heavy recoil calibers plus slugs for very long time so it has a curiosity factor if heavy recoil has contributed to the formation of it. Good news it it was found before really serious crap happens but will done for shooting for probably close to a 9+ months.

Good time to learn to shoot left handed. ( wipe also):)
Hatrick, Thanks for that suggestion, now I have to clean the coffee off my keyboard when it came out of my nose...... I was thinking how close my hunting bud is and decided that was a no go for wipe.... But I did find reference that repeated trauma to a bone can cause a cyst so maybe recoil can be a factor.
My daughter just had two cysts taken out of her shoulder two weeks ago. She should be shooting again in six more weeks. Hers was caused by a torn labrum from high school sports.
I have had rotator cuff surgery on my shooting shoulder as well as the A/C joint (shoulder blade to collar bone joint) removed. Shooting big cals was not the cause.
My rotator cuff on my other shoulder is now torn too.
After my surgery, I was unable to shoot/carry a rifle for 18 months, longest 18 months I have ever endured. About 2 years after the surgery I had an x-ray that showed 2 staples under the skin in my scar, which is almost 3" long on top of my collar bone.

I feel for you, shoulder injuries are not quick healing or fun.

BTW, I never did master wiping with the other hand!

Good luck, I hope it all goes well for you.

Actually I thought my right shoulder was the good one since my left has a partial tear in rotator and partial tear of bicep tendon. Just years of abuse I am sure has brought me to this spot in time. I think my pistols will get a good workout until I can get back on bench. Always good to be proficient with off hand anyway. I expect everything to go fine but the recovery will be the most trying for my patience for sure. Just need to get someone to plow driveway this winter which isn't all bad to watch someone else do that when below zero... Thanks for the all the good lucks!
In my medical experience treating guys who shoot heavy calibers for the last 17 years, and in my personal experience shooting... While I appreciate your surgeon's humility in admitting that he can't know for certain, I'm relatively confident that your hobby didn't cause this cyst. Impossible to be 100%, but I'd bet ya lunch based on my confidence.
Not sure where to post this so started here. I have 8 MM diameter bone cyst in right shoulder bone right where rotator attaches and have surgery scheduled 12/3. My question is have anyone else on LRH had similar diagnosis? My surgeon does not know if shooting over the years precipitated it or not. But I have shot heavy recoil calibers plus slugs for very long time so it has a curiosity factor if heavy recoil has contributed to the formation of it. Good news it it was found before really serious crap happens but will done for shooting for probably close to a 9+ months.
I've had a total of 9 operations on my left shoulder and arm but so far not a cyst.

The chances shooting has been responsible for this are pretty nil. More than likely you chipped it at some point in your youth and this was the result.

You might as well tell him to go ahead and scope out the joint while he's there and remove any built up crud and osteophytes to save you another trip back in later if he's willing.
Actually I thought my right shoulder was the good one since my left has a partial tear in rotator and partial tear of bicep tendon. Just years of abuse I am sure has brought me to this spot in time. I think my pistols will get a good workout until I can get back on bench. Always good to be proficient with off hand anyway. I expect everything to go fine but the recovery will be the most trying for my patience for sure. Just need to get someone to plow driveway this winter which isn't all bad to watch someone else do that when below zero... Thanks for the all the good lucks!
Follow your rehab instructions and you'll be surprised just how quickly you're back behind the rifle.

My biggest problem after the last few operations was feeling so good I really wanted to overdo things.
Hatrick, Thanks for that suggestion, now I have to clean the coffee off my keyboard when it came out of my nose...... I was thinking how close my hunting bud is and decided that was a no go for wipe.... But I did find reference that repeated trauma to a bone can cause a cyst so maybe recoil can be a factor.
Really doubtful unless you're shooting really heavy recoiling rifles with steel butt plates. These types of injuries usually result from collisions between bones and really sharp impacts.
:D:DI would tend to agree that the cyst has nothing to do with shooting. Besides, the bone would tend to follow wolf's law and do the exact opposite. More than likely it's a traction cyst secondary to a partial cuff tear. Add the impingement that is likely in all adult sizes over 40 and you have the perfect environment for a cyst.

Of course I don't know any of this for a fact. But I did stay at a holiday in express last night!!!:D
I am sure being a farrier for a couple of years and doing other stupid things with horses had nothing to do with it either:D. Funny how you look back and say WTH was I thinking? Decisions to do things over a woman can be regrettable later. :mad: I had the joint cleaned out in 2001 and and seems to be ok based upon movement etc. Glad to hear thoughtful comments on potential correlation to shooting heavy calibers. It was just a wild *** thought I had since I like to shoot slugs a lot as well. I reload them and it is crazy how well they shoot versus factory. I have a mule deer hunt scheduled next Sept with bow which may be interesting timeline. Surgeon believes I can do it so keeping it for now. My shoulders have taken a beating and now paying the piper. Even with the condition, I can still draw and shoot my Hoyt at 62# with no pain or loss of accuracy. I did drop it down from 72# as a precaution though. So I am hoping I can fill tag before it all goes down. Appreciate the comments!
After doing MRI's for many many years, we still do not know what causes a bone cyst or why. We do know that it is not cancerous and it does not spread to other parts of the body. There are two different kinds of bone cysts one that is related to the vascular structure which is an aneurysmal cyst caused by an injury to the bone in the past or a non cancerous cause, and the other kind may be caused by fluid drainage issues in growing bone. That is the extent of the knowledge in the medical field to the causes of bone cysts. Prayers to you and good luck on your surgery. If you start shooting do it with air rifles and rimfire only. This will help elongate and breakup any scar tissue by assuming the natural shooting positions without recoil. Skip the hunting season this year because if you are inpatient you might prolong your recovery for a longer period than is really necessary. Listen to your body it will tell you when you are being stupid and inpatient. Good Luck!
Just a short update; had surgery on 12/3; surgery went as predicted with bone cyst detaching the rotator, nasty bone spurs, and bicep tendon needing repair. Had to wait until Dec due to waiting for an infection to clear. But was interesting was I killed a really nice buck with my bow on Nov 14th. So my son places a stand on an edge of a timbered woodlot that became a bedding condo for deer surrounded by cut bean fields and dense wooded hedgerows. He killed a monster out of it end of Oct (225 lb dressed on scale and 151 7/8 green score) and suggested I sit it since I should be able to climb into OK. He thought it would be great spot for me with my limitations of getting a deer out with shoulder. Cut bean fields wide open farm land. Nov 14th started out cold with 17 degrees before daylight and in stand just ready as can be with bad shoulder. I am pretty limited as one can imagine but I was determined to get some hunting in before surgery. About 8AM a nice buck walks behind me into the woodlot but not close at all for a shot. He has bucks on camera right at noon or later so I knew I had to sit into afternoon at the least to be sure. About 10:30 3 does came trotting out of one hedgerow with decent buck dogging them. Grunting and roaring all the way to me. Problem! All three does stopped right under me so didn't feel I could get shot off with them so close. The does went into the woodlot and he followed and I was crushed with thought there goes my only chance at a decent buck before surgery. Hang bow back up and just sat there bummed out. You can never understand why a buck does what he does when on does. This one stopped about 40 yds into woodlot, browsed for few moments and turned around to walk back out into field. Got bow ready expecting him to turn around again and go after does but he didn't. Why would he do that? Steps out at 13 yds and I absolutely drilled him perfectly, he started snowplowing immediately heading toward an opening between the fields where we have tons of pics on camera. Thinking this is fantastic! Headed toward truck into cut beanfield. WHAT COULD GO WRONG? Then I started to yell NOOOO in my mind. Yep, he did a head first dive off the opening between the fields into a 10 foot deep irrigation ditch. What was really weird was my son texted me seconds after I arrowed him with question "Have I seen anything yet?" When I sent back just smoked decent buck he thought I was pulling leg because it was so fast. So he had to leave work little early for lunch to get this guy out of ditch for me. SO let's see, he puts me into a stand, shows me pics of decent buck that comes through late morning and then pulls a buck out of ditch. Great season ending before surgery. What more could Dad ask for?


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