Shoot through tape on your barrel?

For those of you that protect your muzzle with things like tape or plastic wrap (condom if you will) do you shoot through it if the time arises? I'm not talking about a 1000 yard precision shot but if you were within let's say 100-200 yards of your game would you take a few seconds and remove the obstruction (tape) or just leave it on and pull the trigger?

I have heard people say that the blast would most likely push the tape off but I'm in the school of thought you never shoot with an obstruction in the barrel. Just curious of real world experiences.
Do some trials that's the only way to find out?
i was thinking of jamming a wine cork in there just like my first rifle had when I was 5 years old. I always liked the "pop" sound when I pulled the trigger. šŸ˜

Oh my goodness that brought back some memories!!! I would have never remembered that first pop gun if you hadn't mentioned it here.. wow. I guess if I'd had children I would have at least 'tried' to buy them all the stuff that gave me enjoyment as a child. I'm sure the mother would be ****ed probably to the extent mine was when my father brought all that stuff home. She fought him like a dog over my first gun toy, bb gun, pellet rifle, .22, first 30-30, mini-bike, go kart, dirt bike etc haha.. by that time she'd given up. It was always a fight by my father to give me those things that I'm so appreciative of now.

That's why women in government and the demanding moms movement cause me so much concern.
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For those of you that protect your muzzle with things like tape or plastic wrap (condom if you will) do you shoot through it if the time arises? I'm not talking about a 1000 yard precision shot but if you were within let's say 100-200 yards of your game would you take a few seconds and remove the obstruction (tape) or just leave it on and pull the trigger?

I have heard people say that the blast would most likely push the tape off but I'm in the school of thought you never shoot with an obstruction in the barrel. Just curious of real world experiences.
Try the blue painters tape. It works fine and decomposes rapidly.
If you watch and listen to the video, they conflict. At 100yds, the impact moved 3". He stands at the target and says, "as you can see, no change in impact". HUH?

Did I miss something?
That what i thought too but I wonder if he was just shooting at a different target. He should have just grouped all the holes together if there really isn't a POI change so it's easier to see. I guess I just need to try it myself and see what happens. I was just really concerned with the safety aspect of it but it sounds like many people have absolutely zero issue with the safety so I need to verify POI myself
That what i thought too but I wonder if he was just shooting at a different target. He should have just grouped all the holes together if there really isn't a POI change so it's easier to see. I guess I just need to try it myself and see what happens. I was just really concerned with the safety aspect of it but it sounds like many people have absolutely zero issue with the safety so I need to verify POI myself
You may be correct that the shooter used two different points of aim. I don't think that was mentioned in the video.
For those of you that protect your muzzle with things like tape or plastic wrap (condom if you will) do you shoot through it if the time arises? I'm not talking about a 1000 yard precision shot but if you were within let's say 100-200 yards of your game would you take a few seconds and remove the obstruction (tape) or just leave it on and pull the trigger?

I have heard people say that the blast would most likely push the tape off but I'm in the school of thought you never shoot with an obstruction in the barrel. Just curious of real world experiences.
Electrical tapes works for this. I would always test and verify tho. As opening day approaches here in MT, I leave my rifle out on the back deck over, and sneak out for cold bore shots and do other verifications of functionality on my gear. Trust but verify.
Painters tape is more like paper.. I mean really all you're doing it keeping moisture and dirt of your barrel. I use a solo hunter rifle skin now that strips off in seconds so it's not a big deal anymore... these new rifle skins are nice.. you don't really need anything else

Id think almost every animal I've taken with rifle had taped.338 is easy to get junk in

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