Security Salesman at Door


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2013
So a few moments ago, a guy knocks on door. I answered and he starts in WITHOUT any identification offered: How is your Honeywell security system working? He has a Brinks logo shirt on. So no ID, logo shirt for a another security company (maybe) and starts asking security system functionality questions. He does not represent my security company in any manner whatsoever. Dayummm! You want me to answer details on my security system? Want my SS# too?

Unfortunately, Sasquatch kicks in. I rip him sideways, "you walk up to a house, unannounced, no ID and ask security questions?" I impolitely told him to hit the road.
My wife was also astounded with this lunacy. Seriously, WTHELLO!
I had the same thing happen, only I was sitting on the front porch. he walked right past me and said he was checking my alarm. As he reached for the doorknob I shouted if he opened the door I would drop him in the threshold. Meant it too. Carry always, All of you, every day, even at home. Most people die within a mile of their home. Bad people out there, and its getting harder to tell who is who. He sure left quickly though. I think he needed the boys room LOL
I had the same thing happen, only I was sitting on the front porch. he walked right past me and said he was checking my alarm. As he reached for the doorknob I shouted if he opened the door I would drop him in the threshold. Meant it too. Carry always, All of you, every day, even at home. Most people die within a mile of their home. Bad people out there, and its getting harder to tell who is who. He sure left quickly though. I think he needed the boys room LOL
So true and so very sad. I really want to have faith in people, but ……
Almost as bad as the missionary or church member on visitation that starts off with "If you don't know Jesus, you're going to Hxll". There are good ways to start a conversation and they are ways to insure you get a unfriendly response.
Had friends growing up who had the nicest Pitbull I ever knew, named Lucifer.
When they'd get some salesman (or Church person) come to the door, they'd holler for the dog, by name of course.
Nobody ever stuck around long enough to find out he was friendly!
Had friends growing up who had the nicest Pitbull I ever knew, named Lucifer.
When they'd get some salesman (or Church person) come to the door, they'd holler for the dog, by name of course.
Nobody ever stuck around long enough to find out he was friendly!
Our dogs are the 1st line of defense. If I have to go to the door, I'm keeping them back as I exit the door. The only issue is that we're not all blessed with those loving/ protective family members.

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