Schmidt & Bender Awarded the PSR Contract

Man... you had my hopes up for a minute. Till I seen the Special Forces part, I quit reading after that.
More of the tax payers money going over seas, when it could have been spent hear
on the Night force or Mark 4 Leupold.

More of the tax payers money going over seas, when it could have been spent hear
on the Night force or Mark 4 Leupold.

Absolutely correct. If you get to wondering why the German economy is doing well, while others riot in the streets here's a good example.
I understand what you guys are saying, but.. there's a reason why Schmidt & Bender was awarded the contract. The NF, Leupold, Premier.... and other scopes tested failed.. and some failed miserably. Schmidt is undoubtedly the leader in the high end optical arena..
I,AM not understanding THE SPECIAL FORCES COMMENT..but there is no way you can compare nightforce and leupold quality or especially glass to schmidt & bender.why wasnt US OPTICS included,,, it,s american made ...just looking for a friendly answer..not a argument.
thanks pete
More of the tax payers money going over seas, when it could have been spent hear
on the Night force or Mark 4 Leupold.

Absolutely correct. If you get to wondering why the German economy is doing well, while others riot in the streets here's a good example.

I agree with you both on buying American made products, I wish it was that simple. But I also want the best equipment I can get when going into combat. Our M24's still have 20+ year old designed fixed 10x M3A's. All our rifle scopes are Leupold. However, two of my section's SWS are down because their scopes are waiting to be sent in to Leupold for repairs (they won't adjust). My last Leupold was sent in four times for mechanical failures. For hunting/target shooting/competition is one thing, but when my guys have bullets flying at them...that's another. I don't care if it was made on the moon, I need the confidence that it will perform. Would I feel undergunned with NightForce? Not at all, but I sure wouldn't hesitate mounting a S&B!

I,AM not understanding THE SPECIAL FORCES COMMENT..but there is no way you can compare nightforce and leupold quality or especially glass to schmidt & bender.why wasnt US OPTICS included,,, it,s american made ...just looking for a friendly answer..not a argument.
thanks pete

If you are refering to me with the "I,AM not understanding THE SPECIAL FORCES COMMENT..", it says in the article "These scopes will be used by special forces for the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps."

Also, US Optics did submit a scope for testing.
Our Boys deserve the best and Loopy and NF are not it. Am disappointed that the USO did not make it.
in regards to US optics, this is just repeating a rumor so treat it as such, but much of the word behind the scenes is that US optics may not be all that reliable, seems like many people get to see how great their customer service is. which isn't a good thing. I will not say who is saying this but if I did say who it is most would know of the person and respect their knowledge of optics.
Hmmmm sounds strange to me (I have a safe full and never sent one back) would like to know what this person knows or if they are just regurgitating information read from the rags which most of which is not fit to print lol… When a competitive RFP is issued that is controlled by the FAR (defined in Part 6, 14, 15) and the DFAR Supplement there is specific criteria that govern the process including weighted evaluation criteria. Unless that is published or USO chooses to enlighten the Board with the results of their debriefing given that they requested one we will be hard pressed to know what actually happened in the formal evaluations.

After all is said the S&B product is one that I would have absolutely no problem with using in the field being that I already have 5 PM II's and a few Zeniths. The product Uncle is buying are awesome pieces of equipment..
Dang Boss, you have 5 PM II's and a safe full of US Optics? You have a better budget then our Scout/Sniper Platoon! LOL
And for the record I am jealous!
AWWWW now you made me blush (2 of the PMII's were from my AI AWM 338's that I sold and kept the glass 4x16)!!! My hunting scopes are all USO for new stainless builds with the SN3 as the base and are .17 MOA (long story). Have 3 or 4 more sets of .17 MOA dials cut and reside in Arnolds desk at USO until needed – like to keep everything the same.

Hmmmmm where are you stationed????? Might just make you a deal on a SN4 USO that sat on one of my Stoner SR25's until my black guns were sold. One of my best friends is lives in Oceanside and is in the Corp---he is called "Top"!!!!
Bravo 4, Thanks for weighing in I agree it's not that simple. I do wish you folks the best. Included in that wish are good jobs for you to transition into when you get out. I wish you the best in the sense you should have the support of ALL the countries whose interest you're protecting. Germany should be happy to just give you guys the scopes with a THANK YOU what else can we do for you. I also wish you folks strong no excuses advocate to deal with contractors that either don't deliver the quality promised, or fail to service in a timely manner.
I won't use a scope to the degree you will, but I've used them enough to know the modern Leupold has more personalities than my ex-wife. I've been a pretty loyal customer for a long time, and my next scope probably won't be Leupold. The others I have no knowledge of, but it would seem to me the procurement process should include a way to bring American products up to standard.
oh hell I will just say it, because he ****ed me off for other reasons and banned me from his site, it was the guy who owns snipers hide. has US optics ever won any military contracts besides refurbing the old unertls??? none that I have heard of.
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