Thus there is no way to prove it was a SEE.

Could have been: wrong powder, bore obstruction, wrong load, wrong size bullet, defective case and on and on.

By the time the cartridge was chambered the die was cast.
Elk, I appreciate the warning and sometimes it is better to know what we are being warned of.....I only read about 3 pages of the "dumpster fire" grade thread, so it may be in here..sorry.

I don't know if all the folks get who you are:

Generally speaking, Rich and his clients are one of us and know what they are doing. That said, there is no pressure data when you go down this road. You have to know that. Quickload and common sense are a huge help here.

Although, I thought I read early on that this was a SAAMI round.
SEE has been around for decades, like UFOs, but poorly documented, like UFOs.
No lab has been able to duplicate the event under controlled conditions.
The statement "No lab has been able to duplicate it", and has been around for decades sounds authoritative. It should have if you're going to use it the same details demanded from those that believe they have experienced it.

Funny you compare it to UFO's given the current reversals in the military/ governments position, while providing previously classified film and first hand interviews with the pilots involved.

THE LAB sounds all scientific, but one only needs to look at current events surrounding covid, the wuhan labs, all the way through to production and distribution of vaccines. Especially where there was a monetary, or political conflict of interest

Or for fun dig into the issues surrounding the gold standard of CSI type labs up to and including the FBI lab.
I had a client recently have a mishap that could have been deadly had he been directly behind the rifle.
He is a knowledgeable and accomplished shooter, so it can happen to anyone.
It was a freakish occurrence that sheared the bolt lugs off a custom action. A piece of metal went through his shoulder and another piece lodged in his hand!
The police found what was left of the bolt 40+ feet from where he pulled the trigger.
Inadequate data for any explanations - except sensible admonition to be "PLEASE BE CAREFUL!"
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