Rem700 7mm RM to WSM


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2013
So I've spent a few days searching, looking around to see what I could find for information, and not coming up with a heck of a lot of solid advice.

Essentially, I would like to strip my 700 down to just the action, and have it sent out to be squared and trued and have a new barrel screwed on. I want to switch to the WSM line, bolt faces seem to be similar enough, .535 vs .531, shouldn't be an issue as far as that is concerned. I would like to move away from a belted magnum, and keep it in a synthetic stock, without doing a DM.

I just am finishing up a 300 WM build, long throated on a chassis with quality optics, so I'm good on that front, and I have a 338-06 that shoots lights out, so check there as well. Aside from just setting it up as the 7 RM all over again, I'm at a loss of what to do with this firearm.

I have read many posts of someone who knows a buddy that built a WSM on a long action and having reliable feeding problems on multiple forums. I can't find if this is something that is fixed, dealt with or what.

Anybody have any advice on this dilemma of mine?

I think rebarreling your action to shoot the WSM cartridge is very doable but you will probably need a new magazine or at least a new follower. You should confer with a reputable gunsmith to see what his thoughts on this are.

I had a custom FN Mauser that was chambered for 308NormaMag and it needed a new barrel and asked the smith I used if he could rebarrel it to 300WSM and he didn't want to do it. The action was control round feed and maybe if it was a push feed he would have been interested. I settled on a 264Win and the rifle functioned flawlessly.
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