Real Hunters?

Woha, people. Be fore you tar and feather the Op, and run him out of town on a rail. I, think he is refering to the rules of fair chase. I, grew up in the 50's and 60's. We did not have all this high tech stuff. No real cammo. No trail cams. No one talked of shooting like some kind of sniper for x amount of yards. I, for one have never head any one mention the rules of fair chase in years. Some how or another our mind set has changed.
In the OP's words, "Hunting means one knows everything about his quarry.
Knows its habits, paterns,where it lives and travels." Why is using a trail camera not ethical to learn these things about one's quarry?

I'm very lucky. My family has enough land in an area that has plentiful deer, so I can set my blind in the same place every year and be relatively certain that an adult deer (usually more than one) will walk within range and my wife and I will have meat for the year. If someone thinks I'm not a real hunter because I didn't make it harder on myself to fill the freezer, or learn the deers true motivation for walking by my blind, they're entitled to their opinion.
OK I have pondered for 12 hours now. I am going to say I am a hunter. I still won't wear a loin cloth. That is due to the last time I came out of the ocean, people were pushing me back toward the water and pouring buckets of water on me. I despise those green peace guys! But I can take a hint. I sure hope I did not sidetrack this meaningful thread.
Is it a sign of the times or have we always been so prone to categorize our peers in a hierarchy of "real" or "full fledged". I live a hunting and fishing lifestyle does that make me "real" ? I don't really care.
The OP may have not intended negativity, but as hunters the worst thing we do is play the game of this is better than that or I'm better than you. Trad bow hunters v Compound archers, long range v. nothing over 200 yards, crossbows are the devil, private v public land hunters. There's enough internal fighting we could probably pass on the "real, full fledged v. What? If I don't qualify under the stated definition does that mean I'm a fake, posing, wanna be and an illegitimate hunter?
Is it a sign of the times or have we always been so prone to categorize our peers in a hierarchy of "real" or "full fledged". I live a hunting and fishing lifestyle does that make me "real" ? I don't really care.
The OP may have not intended negativity, but as hunters the worst thing we do is play the game of this is better than that or I'm better than you. Trad bow hunters v Compound archers, long range v. nothing over 200 yards, crossbows are the devil, private v public land hunters. There's enough internal fighting we could probably pass on the "real, full fledged v. What? If I don't qualify under the stated definition does that mean I'm a fake, posing, wanna be and an illegitimate hunter?

The only qualifications needed IMO to be a "real" hunter is that when your out there doing your thing you treat the wildlife, environment and other hunters with respect and you leave it better than how you found it

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How many of us are really hunters?
With that statement I like to define a true hunter but also no disrespect to the one's that fall out of this category.
A hunter in my opinion is a person that kills to have hunted.
Hunting means one knows everything about his quarry.
Knows its habits, paterns,where it lives and travels.
The hunter than plans and sets up a rendezvous and than hopefully if he is a competent marksman finishes the hunt.

So again no disrespect for people with a limited time frame,disabilities,traveling to far of locations etc.
These people must rely on outfiters and guides to do to a great extent the hunting for them and they become the shooters.

People hunting the fringes of parks,roadhunters ( with the exception of antelope ) game reserves and sanctuaries also don't qualify.
And neither do drones, heat seekers, fish finders. lol

So how many of us are really a full fledged hunters?
Just wondering.
Well, first please reference the source and location of the official definition you have just presented. As someone who has done bot scouting, stalking and many other forms of hunting for over 45 years. I find long range (1,000 yds and further) open area hunting much more of a challenge than finding there food source and waiting in the bush to take a point blank shot at a feeding or watering animal. So yes I'm a hunter, May not be any longer to your standards but I have progressed to a more challenging hunt!
Well, first please reference the source and location of the official definition you have just presented. As someone who has done bot scouting, stalking and many other forms of hunting for over 45 years. I find long range (1,000 yds and further) open area hunting much more of a challenge than finding there food source and waiting in the bush to take a point blank shot at a feeding or watering animal. So yes I'm a hunter, May not be any longer to your standards but I have progressed to a more challenging hunt!
I also archery hunt!! Find it not as challenging either but I do!
Actually, the "Grocery Store" actually fits me best at this point in life. wife won't allow anything else on the wall and those are tough anyway. Nowadays, we just shoot what we want for the freezer, so I guess I'm no longer a hunter.

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