Public Land Hunting Behavior

I am sure you will be welcome most places you would move to in WY. Decent people always fit in unless they pick an unfriendly area on their own.
Make no mistake, WY is changing some, and yes, outside influence a heavy factor in that.

It is always distressing to residents when outsiders move in, act friendly then go about trying to change the framework and appeal of their "new" home to that of what they left.
I'm primarily speaking of Californians when they migrate to other states then want the "old" ways in the "new" home.
If where they left was so great that they wanted to import it to their NEW home, WHY THE HECK did they leave there in the first place.
Not knocking only California, either, as I've seen people from other states who pull the same stunts. It goes beyond rude and ignorance, really, that you want to tell at them for being such nincompoops!! (Stronger language wanted but don't want to be banned here, either. LOL)
It is always distressing to residents when outsiders move in, act friendly then go about trying to change the framework and appeal of their "new" home to that of what they left.
I'm primarily speaking of Californians when they migrate to other states then want the "old" ways in the "new" home.
If where they left was so great that they wanted to import it to their NEW home, WHY THE HECK did they leave there in the first place.
Not knocking only California, either, as I've seen people from other states who pull the same stunts. It goes beyond rude and ignorance, really, that you want to tell at them for being such nincompoops!! (Stronger language wanted but don't want to be banned here, either. LOL)
Try hunting within a hundred miles or so of the Rio Grande River or the Mexico border (in Texas at least) and have a "coyote" lead a group of migrants from Mexico across your hunting spot that you are paying to hunt. That'll put some flies in your whiskey.
Try hunting within a hundred miles or so of the Rio Grande River or the Mexico border (in Texas at least) and have a "coyote" lead a group of migrants from Mexico across your hunting spot that you are paying to hunt. That'll put some flies in your whiskey.
Watched that exact thing out near Terlingua. It is maddening and sad at the same time.
I once tried some public land I had scouted before the season. There was grassland, corn stubble, a shallow creek, and a line of trees and brush running through the property. I got there, thinking I was early. Nope. As I walked along the tree line I couldn't believe my eyes. There was a hunter every 40-50 yards! NOT exaggerating!! They were all facing the corn stubble. Just out of curiosity, I walked the full length. I crossed the creek and walked back the way I came. As I topped a hill, here were six deer just heading towards the BACK-SIDE of all these hunters. I did not take a shot as there were farm houses behind the deer. I would have loved to see all those faces if I had hauled a deer out of there. Of course, I spooked the deer and they went back the way they had come. Not a single hunter there ever knew those deer were even there!!
Back in the early 80s i worked as a guide in MT. I had 2 hunters at an old abandoned farm that was on public land. we were on a ridge watching 3 decent mule deer in a in a 400yd wide scrub lot when a line of guys pushed through the scrub, all 3 deer just stepped in to small scrub and briers patches and lay down all those guys walked on through and 15 minutes later both my clients had deer on the ground, public land can work with a little luck and knowledge.
The buck in my avatar was taken in MT in 2019. I spotted him on private the night before with a few other good bucks. This area we were hunting was fairly open and easy access with people coming and going all day long but there was alot of deer in there. No one really "hunting" they just sort of walked around for a few hours and went back to the truck. So the next morning I get as close to that private land as I could (a mile x mile bump out) turn my back towards the private and set my spotting scope up on a hillside. I had little pockets of deer in all directions and once again hunters trapsing all over the place. About 9:30 I spot a lone small doe in the wide open feeding amd thought it was odd. Next thing I know this big buck comes out of no where and marches right across the wide open to her and beds down. I had to close the distance by about 500 yards so I drop everything and make my move. Im at 350 yards and getting ready to shoot and I hear talking. A guy down the hill from me 100 yards is on his phone talking and pacing back and forth laughing having a good old time. I heard him say he didn't see anything all morning. Mind you I'd seen atleast 3 or 4 bucks and probably 12+ does from my vantage point. This goes on for about 10 minutes and he continues to walk opposite of where the buck was. Buck was gone, doe bedded down and I was fuming. But I thought ***. Mule deer are dumb when they are rutting he just might come back. A hour later he marched across that opening b lining for the doe and I got him!

Same location but hunting elk.....there was herd of elk maybe 200 or so in the mountains. You could see them feeding pretty much all day but they were all up on private. Each day they would move closer and closer to a stretch of public that went up into the mountain. You had about a 500 yard slot to hike up into and if they kept coming, they'd be right in your lap. And its a good hike to get up in there so not many people go that high. So the 3rd day we figure they're going to move in over night
Dad hikes up there gets settled in. All sorts of elk above him they just need to drop down a 100 yards or so. Shortly after daybreak a side x side drives between him and the elk and pushes all the elk back onto private just like they were cattle. Come to find out this is typical fashion of this particular rancher. Loved MT but it was interesting.
It's all disheartening and I have dealt with it for 45 years both public and private land . I don't have an answer under the laws that exists . I think that's the answer change the laws and rules for public land . Hunting ethics for public land and some hefty fines will clear out the slobs. One thing in this world talks to the idiot, money out of his pocket. I like the idea of a small fee for public land , using that fee to supply a booklet of the ethical standards for hunting public land. With the cell phones a quick picture of the offenders lic plate and a healthy fine , these guys will learn to behave. As far as that rancher goes pushing the elk , Maryland has a law for the hunter mo one can harass a legal hunt by disturbing the hunter or game. That rancher would be paying some healthy fines as well. My son now now hunts a small family property that is a natural funnel, it's very productive. He has hunted the same place for nearly twenty years, the neighbor passed and left the property to her grand son from out of state . My son told him that he was hunting the property next to him and introduce himself , the guys wife blurted out your handsome and the guy has harassed him ever since by mowing his pasture in Nov or hauling things back and forth . So he started to get dropped off and not having his truck seen. No problem , no activity, park his truck where the guy could see and back to the guy making a big disturbance . Local game warden stopped by and explained the law to guy and no more BS. It works ! No one wants to pay for their foolishness !
It is always distressing to residents when outsiders move in, act friendly then go about trying to change the framework and appeal of their "new" home to that of what they left.
I'm primarily speaking of Californians when they migrate to other states then want the "old" ways in the "new" home.
If where they left was so great that they wanted to import it to their NEW home, WHY THE HECK did they leave there in the first place.
Not knocking only California, either, as I've seen people from other states who pull the same stunts. It goes beyond rude and ignorance, really, that you want to tell at them for being such nincompoops!! (Stronger language wanted but don't want to be banned here, either. LOL)
I moved from Florida to Tennessee 18 years ago and I completely understand and agree with what you said but not everyone is that way in my case I try to blend in with my new environment but not everyone thinks this way
Shortly after daybreak a side x side drives between him and the elk and pushes all the elk back onto private just like they were cattle. Come to find out this is typical fashion of this particular rancher.
Seen this happen in Colorado, rancher had guys pushing elk around with atv's to keep them on his property so that paying customers could shoot. Also watched an outfitter on public have several guys on horseback do an elk drive to several standers, covered an entire ridge line. Watched as a few guys opened up on a small herd of cows until a couple dropped, no telling how many they actually hit. This is one reason why I usually have a cellphone digiscope adapter for my scoping scope, game wardens want proof and a mere picture only tells part of the story.
Sounds cynical but I seem to lose more faith in humanity (recent times my countrymen) the longer I'm alive. I know you are supposed to love thy neighbor, but half thy neighbors are turds and usually prove me right.
From the similar stories of how folks treat private access many times, this is a problem with not only human nature, but with something exclusive about American "entitlement." I write that because there are still places in other countries where there is way more respect and common sense shown in these many hunting/fishing scenarios. I have too many stories of following a trail of Busch cans to a group of atvers, to the same story of those who set up at 50 yards at your overlook, to the atvers that stop near your overlook, motors running, and scream over the motors to communicate.

Still, no need to get too down... there are still many great folks that are out there and a few well thought out and firm words can go a long way. These days, I keep coming back to the serenity prayer.🤓
I think most have forgotten hunting and having access to public lands is a PRIVILEGE not a RIGHT.

Growing up if you were parked glassing the area before working into it and someone else pulled up we just talked about our plans then go our separate ways and everyone has a great hunt. Now if you stop to glass it's a sign that you see something and people come flocking and driving around you in a race, everyone looses!!
Dont even get me started on how people (Mostly out of staters) have ruined idaho as whole!! pretty bad when my 10 year old says "dad we were here first before light like we wanted, why would they follow us in here and set up next to us" no **** those exact words!! :mad::mad::mad::mad:

some one said it earlier ..." its the entitlement era and they weren't raised with any ethics at all".
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It's all disheartening and I have dealt with it for 45 years both public and private land . I don't have an answer under the laws that exists . I think that's the answer change the laws and rules for public land . Hunting ethics for public land and some hefty fines will clear out the slobs. One thing in this world talks to the idiot, money out of his pocket. I like the idea of a small fee for public land , using that fee to supply a booklet of the ethical standards for hunting public land. With the cell phones a quick picture of the offenders lic plate and a healthy fine , these guys will learn to behave. As far as that rancher goes pushing the elk , Maryland has a law for the hunter mo one can harass a legal hunt by disturbing the hunter or game. That rancher would be paying some healthy fines as well. My son now now hunts a small family property that is a natural funnel, it's very productive. He has hunted the same place for nearly twenty years, the neighbor passed and left the property to her grand son from out of state . My son told him that he was hunting the property next to him and introduce himself , the guys wife blurted out your handsome and the guy has harassed him ever since by mowing his pasture in Nov or hauling things back and forth . So he started to get dropped off and not having his truck seen. No problem , no activity, park his truck where the guy could see and back to the guy making a big disturbance . Local game warden stopped by and explained the law to guy and no more BS. It works ! No one wants to pay for their foolishness !

sounds like your son needed to mow that wife's grass.
Me and my buddy were up on a hill this week glassing opening day in New Mexico. We were glassing and watching a herd of does at about 400. UTV with 3 turds drive by staring at us then jump out like fat rambos when they see the does thinking they will shoot a buck out from under us. The disrespect is real.
3 of my buddies and me were hunting idaho otc elk this year public land. Opening morning we spot a small 6. I get set up on the bull at 750yrds and stick him twice. We took our time getting over to the bull just incase. 45 min to the time of contact and there stands a old man and his grandkid sawing the head off. ***. The old man literally tells me he doesn't care who shot the bull and it was his. Instead of getting western we decided he was a total duech and let him take the bull. We were all amazed that there is people that actually tag animals other people kill. Cool thing is the following weekend a buddy hit me with a pin on onX. Told me there was some long range opportunities. Fellow member and myself went up and I shot a bull at 1282 so... I guess it worked out. But that old man can kiss my ***. 6AF5752A-7D54-409F-8EBE-5E2A8C8C0E5D.jpeg86BB192F-0F4A-42D0-A3A8-F85D1F7BD544.jpeg The 5x is the 1282 bull
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