Problem Zeroing Nightforce ATACR Enhanced Scope


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2007
I just replaced my Gen 1 Nightforce ATACR 5-25x56 scope with the newer ATACR enhanced scope - same power and it is MOA with the MOAR-T reticle. The scope turret is bottomed out and I am still 2.5" high at my normal 200 yard zero. I have a Nightforce 20 MOA base and am using thei Nightforce 6 screw rings - which is exactly the same I used on the Gen 1 scope and had no problem zeroing at 200 yards.
Would I be best to get a 10 MOA or even a 0 MOA base to take care of this problem?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Before ordering anything new, I would tear down the rail and rings, then reassemble. It may help the problem, if not you can always order a 10MOA rail.
Have you tried checking to see that you are getting close to the full range of adjustment from the new ATACR that NF claims should be available? If not, maybe something else like a zero stop is preventing adjustment?
Got it fixed. Simply had to back the zero stop clutch off 1/4 turn counter clockwise after loosening the 4 set screws, retighten screws, and was able to adjust the POI down as needed.
Thanks to all for your suggestions especially Broz and his video of how to adjust the Nightforce zero stop.
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