I use the parallax idea I posted earlier,,, but I did the opposite to get my cross hairs to move off target when doing the head Bob... That way I know both sides of where this happens on the high and low side of adjustments... Blue dot is center of that find...
Then I use 2 white dots for the proper setting idea in the link,,, once I get the cross hairs to stay as close to staying on the 3 or 400 meter target I fine tune from there... Both the blue and 2 white dots should be close,,, now I'm heading for the green dot to make sure the cross hairs stay on target for real... This takes some extra time of fine tuning the eye peace along with the parallax nob...
1/16 turn at a time...
I go one direction first till I get 6" of movement from 1" bulls eye,,, re-center then go the other way till I get 6" on that side...
Don't forget to make sure the parallax is set for the target your looking at...
This is run number 3,,, triple green dot for absolute zero at this 3 or 400 metre mark...
Test 4 takes place at 600 meters,,, = 2 green dots,,, test 5 is 800 metres which is 1 green dot...
If every thing is on track,,, the white,,, blue,,, and 2 and 3 green dots should be super close,,, the single green dot mark should be the best possible option over all for my ranges...
Our eyes are always changing every 6 to 10 months,,, so we're back to square 1 once again... Keep the single green dot and re-test from there on the next run when it comes...
Good luck and happy hunting all,,, big game season is a go up here above the 49th very soon,,, archery stick'em firsts followed by the solid leads...
Ye Ha to good times