Pac-nor barrels


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2005
Qld, Australia
Hi to all,
What are Pac-nor barrels like? One day I want to rebarrel my rem 700 adl so I am just looking at different options.
I believe I can get a 1-7 twist in 7mm in the Pac-nor.
What is the lighest contour in a 30 in barrel in 7mmrum you would put on?
The Pac-nor pre fit service good be a very good thing for me as I believe there are no 7mm rum reamers in Australia.
For the money their are alot better barrels out their. Bought 2 one good one bad. When you pay over $200 for a barrel you want it to shoot. I would go with krieger broughton ect. Stay away from Pac-nor spend a few extra dollars and get another brand
I'm been waiting over a month trying to get a bad polyoganial taken care of. Nothings happened yet. The more I talk to them the less i believe what they are saying. If you buy a broughton and have a blem they give you 2 barrels back. Pac-nor gives them a spit shine and you have a polished terd. If your wanting a great barrel at a good price call Ron at Benchmark barrels 1-360-652-2594. His customer service is the best I 've ever delt with. Retail price is $240 When you place a order you talk to the owner.
The Pac-nor barrel on my 308 is outstanding but then again, it's the only Pac-Nor barrel I owned. Another barrel worth considering are Hart and Shilen. Both of these company offer rebarreling work. Goodluck on your project.
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