One trash panda down


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2013
I live on a small acreage in west central Iowa. We are always overrun with coons, skunks, possums and the like. We always have problems with coons getting in the sweet corn. I got my first one last night in a dog proof trap using marshmallows and a little cat food. The first of many I hope.


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We have more coons than money in my back property. I did, for a time, use the hand held traps for coons and was catching several every night or shooting them while coyote hunting. I live in GA, which was one of the best states for quail hunting. over the years that hunting is almost gone except for private Plantations. A lot of people think that the bird population decimation was from coyotes coming over from the west when bridges where made over the big Miss. The fact is all the ground nesting birds like Quail & Turkey were wiped out by Skunks & Ricky Racoons. They feast on the birds eggs. I love to look at them and also had a few racoons and possums as pets that would come into our garage for food and shelter in the winter. I kind of felt bad after all that I shot and then they would actually come to our house eat out of Jill's hand. Well we have a real good turkey population now so I'll let Ricky hang around.
It seems that coons are like water. If one is taken out another one comes to take it's place.

Yupp! That's what they say about the feral pigeons I shoot.

Well, depending on your kill rate, I think that could be true if the kill rate is low.
But if I keep up the pressure they won't procreate as quickly as a decimate. 😄

Besides, what would we be shooting at if they'd all be gone? 😱

Right now I'm having trouble at one of my permissions 😟:
Because someone is paying big bucks for a rent-a-falcon company. Well, it's really a falcon-chase-pigeons-away service.
I used to be able to get pigeons at pretty much any hour of the day 😄.
Then they got scarcer as I kept killing them off.
But lately, with the falcon service operating almost every day, I'm lucky if I sight more than a handful during the early morning and late afternoon hours — if I'm lucky (and the pigeons are not).

So, yeah, different methods actually do work — IF they are kept up continuously and rigorously.

Just my 2c....

Yupp! That's what they say about the feral pigeons I shoot.

Well, depending on your kill rate, I think that could be true if the kill rate is low.
But if I keep up the pressure they won't procreate as quickly as a decimate. 😄

Besides, what would we be shooting at if they'd all be gone? 😱

Right now I'm having trouble at one of my permissions 😟: Because someone is paying big bucks for a rent-a-falcon company. Well, it's really a falcon-chase-pigeons-away service.
I used to be able to get pigeons at pretty much any hour of the day 😄.
Then they got scarcer as I kept killing them off.
But lately, with the falcon service operating almost every day, I'm lucky if I sight more than a handful during the early morning and late afternoon hours — if I'm lucky (and the pigeons are not).

So, yeah, different methods actually do work — IF they are kept up continuously and rigorously.

Just my 2c....

Maybe they can hire the "FALCON CHASE" to get the Griz to back off where they used to live and now where people live. Less Griz - Human attacks!
I live on a small acreage in west central Iowa. We are always overrun with coons, skunks, possums and the like. We always have problems with coons getting in the sweet corn. I got my first one last night in a dog proof trap using marshmallows and a little cat food. The first of many I hope.
They CAN'T resist cat food. Use that and you'll wipe em out. A thermal night vision scope would seal the deal.
With fur price soo low trappers aint after them, like the tree huggers say " mother nature will take care of herself" there will be a rabies or distemper epidemic when populations get too high then it will pass to the skunks etc. and the problem will go away for awhile.
It seems that coons are like water. If one is taken out another one comes to take it's place.
You got that right. The more coons, I shot the more I had around. They are very versatile and resilient, they can eat crickets (any bug) to chickens to the leftovers you put in your garbage. Oh yes they are very comfortable in the human environment. Beside humans, coyotes can eat them, but coons are very fast and good climbers. The young ones are a good meal for Red Tails.
Speaking of meals:
Len's Racoon Stew

  1. Place raccoon meat (skinned and de-boned, season with pepper and the secret "Cavenders Greek seasoning) in a HOT pan with olive oil and "sear" meat on all sides to lock in the flavor (a few minutes on each side until brown).
  2. Take meat and put in crockpot.
  3. Crumble up the bay leaves and sprinkle over the meat. Season to taste with salt peppers
  4. Add the onion, celery and bell pepper to pot.
  5. Mix onion soup, mushroom soup and water together and pour into the pot ( I also like to put some beef stock in).
  6. Add potatoes, carrots, and baby portabellas.
  7. Turn the crock pot on high for 30 minutes.
  8. Reduce the heat to low.
  9. Cook for 6 - 8 hours or overnight.
  10. If you have an "INSTA POT" do everything the same except put the insta pot in pressure cook mode and it only takes about 80 mins for 4-5lbs of meat. The pressure cook mode puts more flavor into the meat.
  11. Get a good bottle of Merlot and enjoy!