One man's opinion regarding component shortages

Our mfg was given away for the most part in 1970 and this was supported by almost everyone until now. The US still has or has access to every material, all of the energy needed and people to do the work to restart our mfg base. The logistics of shipping any heavy industry item like steel and equipment, makes zero sense anymore. IMO, all it takes to do what you ask, is to shift our tax base from giving it all away to other countries or wasting it in some other way and asking Americans to get back to work... something they did in the 30s. We just have to get off of the chinese teat.
I think you guys in the USA have realised like we have that from the Covid pandemic has come a big learning.

Dont rely so much on foriegn countries/entities!

There will be a big push for us here in Aus from the govenment to try & get manifacturing back up & running again after decades

Thankfully the Federal gov here has also finally recognised the amount of infultration the Chinese state has made by state goventments selling infrastructure property & passed legislation to overrule the states decisions if not in the whole countries best interests.

Since our Prime minister Scott Morisson anounced he wanted a world wide equiry into China's involvement/lack of communication on the CV China has since banned the imports of several major exports of ours to their country.

So yeah the world needs to take a lesson from this pandemic!
Omg, I just visited my local gun shop in town last week, his shelves were full of every powder I have ever heard of, prices cheaper then Ives seen in a long time. Primers were just as plentiful, maybe just a tad low on bullets.
Please share the contact info for that shop if they will ship. Thanks!
3. Powder. Hodgdon's Powders make most of their powder in Australia. Not long ago there were intense wildfires in Oz, and their route from factory to port took them through the worst of the fires. No one will transport gunpowder through a fire zone!! No sooner were the fires out than Covid came along. So there has been a shortage of powder to make cartridges for some time. You can get reloading quantities for home reloading still, but not so much the tons needed for full-on factory output.
About half of Hodgdon powders are made in Australia. Others are made in Canada, some in europe.

Australian production was unaffected by the bushfires in December/January. Similarly shipping was also unaffected.

COVID has not affected regional areas in Australia much at all, in fact, COVID has had little impact on the Australian population when compared with the USA.
Australia 24 million people, 26 thousand cases, 788 deaths - 0.1% of the population infected, 0.003% fatalities.
US 328 million people, 6.4 million cases, 192 thousand deaths - 1.9% infected, 0.058% fatalities.

The front gate of the explosives factory is here

The closest fires were 80miles east with southern hemisphere wind generally from the west so embers and smoke blew out over the Tasman Sea towards New Zealand.
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Was at "The Gun Shop" in Idaho Falls yesterday, multiple bottles of H4350 & Varget, no H1000 or Retumbo.
Some stuff, in some locations, is in short supply, but not everywhere like in 2013-2015.
Omg, I just visited my local gun shop in town last week, his shelves were full of every powder I have ever heard of, prices cheaper then Ives seen in a long time. Primers were just as plentiful, maybe just a tad low on bullets.
By me powder is still available enough not to be a factor, bullets and brass still OK but forget primers beyond 209's. Only one place I know of within 40 miles of my home has primers beyond 209's.

However, I feel that "anyone" that has allowed themselves to be short of ammunition or components has not been paying attention to world events.....for about 30 years! :eek: memtb
^^^^^^^^ABSOLUTELY CORRECT^^^^^^^^^^

After the last scare I swore never again would I be found wanting for ammo or reloading components. Now prices for ammo especially 9mm & 223 are absolutely outrageously the worst I have ever seen. Height of the last scare I could get 1k domestic 9mm for $190-$220 and 1k Wolf Gold brass cased 223 for $320. It's now anywhere from 50% to 100%+ above those prices. My last bulk mag purchase was $8/ Pmag G2 for AR's and $22 17 round SIG P320 OEM mags, prices for mags have gone up at least 50% to 75% for H/Cap HG mags.

I have lost track of how many of my co workers and even a few friends went out and bought their first self defense specific firearms in the last 4-5 months and are asking me where to get ammo and I JSMH as I tell them best of luck and when you bought that gun did they give you a gallon jar of "Preparation H" because you're gonna need it when you buy ammo. I tried to tell more than a few friends to buy a HG in 40 S&W as I have seen that ammo in stock quite often both on line and OTC but they opted for 9mm instead. I advised most to buy a shotgun instead as even though Buckshot is hard to find 12 ga ammo is still relatively available and a 12ga with bird shot is a he!!ofalot more useful than a 9mm or 223 club.
And none bought any extra mags and only have the 1 or 2 came with the gun.
I don't own a gun that I have less than 10 mags for it.

Just read a statistic in the Epic times that reported that in the last 5 months alone 1 in 10 liberals have since gone out and bought their first ever firearm and 1 in 3 conservatives have bought at least one additional gun to add to their existing collection. Count me as among those 1 in 3 as I have bought no less than 5 more firearms in 2020.
Surprisingly got all at very reasonable prices. No they were not the bargain prices I paid for guns I bought in 2019 but all were less than 10% more than I would've paid in 2019. Only one would I consider kinda pricy I bought used Ruger PCC in LNIB for $550 cash with four 32 round Pmag Glock mags.
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A good friend of mine owns one of the highest volume gun shops in the state (TN) and he has been selling loaded ammo at a rate never seen before now. He used to order multiple cases per month to maintain inventory, and now he orders it literally by the pallet and cannot keep it in stock!
Claims to have more first time gun owners in the last 6 months than he's seen in the last six years...

I always wondered if they ever sold all the guns they had would they have enough bullets for them all? Glad I have stockpiled some stuff, this happens every 4 or 8 years, we thought Obama was a good salesman! Well I guess he has help this time ..
Well, I dont think it will be a fair fight. An army of liberals with no guns against an army of Conservatives with guns. Its not fair and shouldnt be allowed to happen. There oughta be a law! It will be more like a turkey shoot!
The left is arming themselves. Not only that, but the leftist powerful and wealthy are building up supplies of arms and ammunition. There are antifa militias forming and training and being funded and supplied by these entities. They would still be outgunned, but never underestimate the enemy.

This is also contributing to the shortages.
Lucked out and found these on election day in a Sportsmans Warehouse...


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Shooter's World (Precision) is almost identical to Varget . Was only 20-30 fps slower with better sd's and better accuracy with same powder charge .
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