Olympic National Park Goat Culling Oportunity.

Glad to see the park officials using the public for animal removal. Over here in Hawaii they just send their employees and a few special friends to do the work. Lots of locals especially kids lose out on opportunity to hunt them. Good luck to everyone applying... I hope you all get a chance to harvest and utilize such a beautiful animal.
I'm opposed to it. I have been putting in for a goat permit for 24 years in WA and have not drawn. They should open it for permits not slaughter teams. They are a native species to this state unlike gray wolves. And I read the info on it and it says nothing about keeping trophies or meat, only to kill them. Forget all Fish and Lame's requirements and just open it up for permit hunts and make money selling the tags.
As far as people being injured or killed by the goats...they are a wild animal use common sense. Elk, moose, bison, bears, attack and kill people every year in the wild and in national parks. I feel bad for the families of the people that were killed but that happens when your out in nature.
I'm opposed to it. I have been putting in for a goat permit for 24 years in WA and have not drawn. They should open it for permits not slaughter teams. They are a native species to this state unlike gray wolves. And I read the info on it and it says nothing about keeping trophies or meat, only to kill them. Forget all Fish and Lame's requirements and just open it up for permit hunts and make money selling the tags.
While I totally agree with you, I have read that you will be able to take out any meat possible, capes, and in some cases horns. They are going to take a certain sample group of skull caps, but not all.
The part that rubs me really wrong is that these goats were there before it was park, so at some point in my mind they should technically be a native species in a way, since they've been there since day 1. They were transplanted in the mid-late 20s after Washington state traded Alaska for elk.
My great aunts and uncles captures the elk calves that were traded in the hoh valley. They turned in to the elk that Alaska now has on Afognak and Raspberry island
I'm opposed to it. I have been putting in for a goat permit for 24 years in WA and have not drawn. They should open it for permits not slaughter teams. They are a native species to this state unlike gray wolves. And I read the info on it and it says nothing about keeping trophies or meat, only to kill them. Forget all Fish and Lame's requirements and just open it up for permit hunts and make money selling the tags.

Create a team. Go hunt. Don't lose any points on your Cascades draw opportunities.

Look at this as an opportunity.
I don't feel that Fish and Lame should be running it this way. We shouldn't have to jump thru all the hoops and use only unleaded bullets. Just opening it up for permit hunts would be a better use of my hunting license dollars. They are going to have to spend money training people and supervising the slaughter when they could be taking in money from tags and permit fees.
I don't feel that Fish and Lame should be running it this way. We shouldn't have to jump thru all the hoops and use only unleaded bullets. Just opening it up for permit hunts would be a better use of my hunting license dollars. They are going to have to spend money training people and supervising the slaughter when they could be taking in money from tags and permit fees.

Agreed. But, this is the lot we've been given. Our Fish and Game here in Washington needs serious overhaul. I'm just glad our hunting regs don't change on a daily basis like the fish regs do.
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That said, the idea of a 10day high country hunt for goat sound fun. I am getting to the age where I don't know how many years I have left to give this a go. Let alone draw a goat tag.

I agree that they should not be wiped out. Let them live and sell trophy tags.
How is it a trophy tag if your shooting it on a trailhead at 10'? They are most likely removing problem animal's that have been semi-domesticated. I agree that this is the better option then spending a hundred thousand to transplant each goat like they did previously. If I could put together a team I would, however I dont think I can sacrifice taking more time off if I get the chance to go back to work.

Either way good luck.
I'm opposed to it. I have been putting in for a goat permit for 24 years in WA and have not drawn. They should open it for permits not slaughter teams. They are a native species to this state unlike gray wolves. And I read the info on it and it says nothing about keeping trophies or meat, only to kill them. Forget all Fish and Lame's requirements and just open it up for permit hunts and make money selling the tags.

I've read that the meat is so vile that trophy hunters weren't required to pack it out.
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