OCW thoughts....

excuse me ?
a ladder has shooter error but shooting 8 groups does not ?
I think you need to learn how to shoot.
front rest, rear rest, stable table. scope with enough power to be precise.
you should stick with your ocd . the targets clearly show how well it (did not) work.
What is it with you ladder test guys? What is it that you feel the need to proselytize so vehemently? Do you guys have some sort of cult...or do you work on commision?
a waste of time and money ?
I think a simple ladder would have got you better starting spot.
Simple ladder test does not fine tune your loads and most people don't do them right. Start at 300 yards shoot, right down results, repeat at 400 and so on out past 600. Lots of wasted time.

OP- your first 3 look like a good node, re test that and get that ES and SD down

I must first admit I have struggled to find meaningful data from any OCW tests I have performed, I think I failed to really understand the process of evaluation.I think 45.9 is the better starting points since it has little variation compared to its lower and higher next charges. I am far from the best shooter here but I seem to have had better results from a 600-1000 yard ladder test looking for several impacts with minimal vertical spread while also comparing to the velocity, they are typically aligned. Most times I shoot an OCW I have little to now difference in POI and end up using the velocity as the main data point anyhow. I think most times we think we are shooting better than we are and in every reloading/shooting task we as the shooter are typically the weakest link.
IMHO "Snarky" indicated a lack of understanding, knowledge or a simple desire to prove some sort of superiority. It is a waste of the reader's time - or at a minimum, mine. "What do think: IMPLIES - how is this data useable and if you have (half a brain), advice or suggestions. I suspect everyone is still learning how to shoot. Until you can 1000 rounds consecutively in a one inch group at 1000 yards - IMHO you are still earning to shot. If you can. then you ae secure in your knowledge and experience to offer useable, constructive ADVICE , not non-constructive criticisms. But then, this all IMHO. Use or ignore as you want.
Sorry I should have been more clear, I meant the speed of each individual shot, not the average at each powder charge.
Yes sir, I do have the speed of every shot, the interesting thing was 46.1 were a velocity triplet & 45.7 had a duplicate with the 3rd only 6fps off
What is it with you ladder test guys? What is it that you feel the need to proselytize so vehemently? Do you guys have some sort of cult...or do you work on commision?
IMHO It is another tool in the reloader's handbag on the path to accuracy. All are free to use or ignore as they wish. My understanding is that it IS a widely accepted an accepted method for finding the optimum load for a specific round in a specific rifle. The perceived "vehemence" might just the desire to share!
If you cannot remove shooter error OCW will not give you squat either. Shooter error is shooter error on any test.
Proper ladder tests are done at extended ranges.... where conditions and shooter error are compounded my multiples. An OCW at 100y minimizes these variables so in fact it does give us "sqaut" to a more accurate degree
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