Nosler m48 long range

I have a new Model 48 Nosler Longe Range, also in 33 Nosler. My load of choice is the 225 gr. Sledge Hammer in front of a less than maximum charge of RL22, @ 3028fps. OACL: 3.343
Best 5 shot group @ 100 yds:.543. The rifle does wear a muzzle brake, which I'd say puts the recoil in the range of a 7 pound .30-06 (without a brake). I have a moose & grizzly hunt coming up next September, so just for the heck of it I took it whitetail hunting this fall. Neither the NY State buck hit behind the shoulder (104 yds), nor the NYS doe hit in neck (145 yds.), took another step. I like the rifle a lot, and while the 33N is a bit much for deer, the recoil was totally unnoticeable in the field. I'd certainly recommend it to a friend...
You guys have got me drooling, your going to get me in trouble.I'm really excited about this gun.
I better stop reading these posts, I can't sleep because I'm trying figure a way to get this gun.
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