North West Action Works and Red Hawk Rifles


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2014
Does anyone have any experience with North West Action Works Mountain rifles or Red Hawk Rifles? I do a lot of sheep hunting and goat hunting and am looking for something light (5-6lb range without scope) that shoots under 0.5 MOA but is in the $2500-$3500 price range. If anyone else knows any other custom light weight rifle gunsmiths let me know.
you might want to take a look at melvin's ultra light arms rifles also
they would fit you needs very well

i have a cpl of them that come in at 5lbs 1 1/2 oz with scope ready to hunt

these here in the pic are
25x47 with a compact 2.5-8 scope [ leupold ]
35 [ 30 rem necked up to 35 ] 1.75-6 compact scope [ leupold ]


  • 2 ultra lights.jpg
    2 ultra lights.jpg
    21 KB · Views: 131
the 3 ultra lights that i have all shoot very well
the 25x47 i will have with me in elk camp this next week
i just got off the bench with and at 200 yrs it is 1/2" group and thats
with TTSX :D
not to bad for a hunting rifle with hunting bullets and only a 2.5-8 scope

no idea about the detatch mag
2 of them are single shot and 1 is a hidden 3 shot mag
Does anyone have any experience with North West Action Works Mountain rifles or Red Hawk Rifles? I do a lot of sheep hunting and goat hunting and am looking for something light (5-6lb range without scope) that shoots under 0.5 MOA but is in the $2500-$3500 price range. If anyone else knows any other custom light weight rifle gunsmiths let me know.

Check out the Kimber Mountain Ascent at 4 lbs 13 ozs and MSRP of $2040 Kimber America | Mountain Ascent | Model 84M | Rifles
I had a lightweight 300rum built by red hawk rifles. And it shots factory loads very very well. DO NOT USE northwest action works. Not sure the guy knows a ton. He def doesn't do everything he says he will. And they are not good at all about returning phone calls. Maybe 2-3 people work in that shop don't know. But I know a few shops with 1 man teams that are faster and way better quality work than him!!

How much does your 300 rum weigh from them and what kind of grouping do you get with factory ammo? I see they offer the bell and Carlson stocks on those guns, any idea if they would put one together with a hunters edge stock from McMillan? How is the recoil on it and does their muzzle brake reduce a lot of it?
You should look into oregunsmithing, LLC. They are in pendleton Oregon. He loves building sheep rifles. I think my rum weighs around 7 lbs before optics. Shoots a .487 at 100 with factory nosler custom ammo.
Yeah the gun shoots great and is light. It's the best sheep rifle I have ever had. I just want a new project for this winter and I wouldn't mind having something that shoots 180g rounds nicely. Red hawk just sent me a quote for 3800 for the gun which isn't bad but it weighs 6 and a half pounds with a McMillan edge stock, which is a little heavier than I was looking for.
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