Nodak Coyote


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2016
West-central Minnesota
This one came in from some state land after about five minutes. We've had luck lately with lucky bird. I'd like to get out a little more often but I can't justify the drive with a wind over 15mph.

I know I hear everyone say you can't shoot'em when you're sitting on the couch, but honestly, I never have any luck when it's windy. Just me?

Wandering please fill out your profile. Would like to know what area of the country you were hunting in. Great looking rifle. What is it and who did the camo?
I've had the same issues with wind.I'd usually try to get into river bottom's or some other terrain that was sheltered from the wind. Hard thing to come by in your neck of the wood's! Nothin' between you and the North Pole but a fence post.
Called in a pack of four to this spot today, but they wound up coming to the top of the only hill that they could see my truck from. Just figures it would work out like that.

Otherwise the day was beautiful. Down to a sweatshirt and still sweating up a storm. It's hard to believe it's only February.

I just wish I didn't have to drive two hours to get to any numbers of dogs worth calling. It makes a short weekend even shorter when you spend most of the day behind the wheel.

I apologize for the photo being tilted. I can't make a change.


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Really like the colors of your rifle! What color is the barrel and action? And are the scope and rings painted as well?
Furtaker, the barrel and action I duracoated in FDE. I was feeling ambitious when planning the rifle and I wanted to do it all myself. That's why I chose the Shilen action, so I could barrel it when needed and be self sufficient without a lathe. Also, if I was gonna be swapping barrels I wanted the ability to media blast it and do it whenever I wanted.

The rings I did in FDE but I found a good deal on a FDE Bushnell that I couldn't pass up. It looks a little more professional that way anyway. Plus, I'd feel way guilty messing up a nice scope with duracoat or rattle can.
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