NF and Exbal software


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2008
Ellwood City, PA
Is the NF version just a private labeled version of Exbal, or are they 2 totally different programs?

If they are different could someone explain any differences between them?
They are the same program. For a while I believe the NF software was the only one that had the NP-R1 reticle info but the newest version of Exbal has the NP-R1 info also.
Reticle selection wouldn't matter with a standard type reticle. Either one would work for you.

Just remember when ordering to specify either for a Palm or Pocket PC.;)

Could you provide some pros & cons of the Palm versus the Pocket PC. Of if there's a link to a thread on LRH that already addresses the differences that would be great.

I've never owned or used either of these. So even when I read about them I end up confused.

Do you use the Palm or Pocket PC, and could you briefly state why you use the one you selected? Just some basic explanation would be fine. Thanks.

I use Exbal on my desktop PC and also on the Palm I use in the field. I use a Palm for several reasons, all of which are just my personal reasons.
  • You can buy a Palm for less than a Pocket PC. At the price of a Palm, and especially if you buy a used one, I consider it a throw away item. If I lose it, break it, smash it etc. it's not big deal. If I'd paid a lot, as in a fancy or new P PC, I'd not be very happy
  • It's my understanding the Palm uses less power and thus the batteries last longer
  • I only want the unit to do one thing for me in the field and that is to run Exbal. I don't need all of the things that a Pocket PC provides. I know a lot of people need/want all of the Pocket PC/Windows/connectability but not me
  • Just about any Palm will run Exbal and there is really not much of a memory concern.
  • With a Pocket PC memory and applications and cost run hand in hand.
Like I said, these are just my reasons and those that can justify a Pocket PC will feel differently. They don't have to make me happy but I do.;):):cool:

I know a lot of people will say that Mr. Perry of Exbal recommends the Pocket PC. This is what is on their web site.

For Users who do not have a PDA yet: For users who are trying to decide on use of a Palm vs Pocket PC we recommend the Pocket PC. It is based on the traditional Microsoft Windows platform so its user interface is familiar to most users. Microsoft is continually adding new features to the Windows Mobile OS.

If you need the Windows platform for anything other than Exbal then this is a valid way of looking at it. I only need Exbal so it's a Palm in my pocket.;)
Thanks much ss7mm.

I believe I will go Palm as you have, if I begin using Exbal.

Right now I use drop charts that I print from a free MS Excel ballistics spreadsheet, which I've modified to include angled shots from 10 to 45 degrees (in 5 degree increments). I use reticle hold-under hold-overs from my pre-printed drop charts. IOR MP-8 reticle. My drop charts aren't as infinitely flexible as Exbal, but if I know my hunt area elevations ahead of time, which I generally do in Alaska, then I can print a couple charts with different elevations and be pretty close with my drop charts for my hunt area. Works pretty well as tested out to 900 yds so far.

Thanks again for your explanation.
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