Exbal ????


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2003
Hermiston, Oregon
What can I use and where can I get the cheapest way to have an exbal set up?? I need to get set up with one so I can get a little closer on 1st shot hits at extended ranges in different conditions. I shoot a lot at my elevation which is about 600ft, but I also hunt/shoot a lot where the elevation is 3000-6000ft. I also know that temp and pressure plays a big role beyond 600 yards. I know I"m going to have to get a kestrel weather station as well. I'm just not to up to date on the whole exbal thing.

I dont need anything extravagant, just something cheap and simple that works for exbal only. I dont need it for anything else.

Thanks guys.
any pda that uses palm OS and has 8 megs of ram, ebay is your best bet if ya wanna fly on the cheap.

Make sure you get one with non-volatile memory, or you will lose exbal if the battery goes dead. My old palm was this way (it was a palm M130), worked well unless the battery died, then you needed to hook it back up to the computer. I currently use a Palm Tungsten E2, about $70 on ebay. Exbal runs really fast on it, nearly instantaneous drop charts.

Awesome, thanks guys!!

How much does the software cost from NF?? Is there another source besides NF??

Perry-Systems - Ballistic Calculator Software (click on the visa card)

$70 just for PDA software, or $122 for combo PC software and PDA software. It is really nice to have the PC software to print drop charts, import into Excel etc. It's a lot easier to manipulate and look at your drops on the PC. Then use the PDA in the field. Besides, it's nice to have printed drop charts, just in case your PDA gets broken or a friend needs a drop chart etc.

Whats the difference between a pocket PC and a palm PC??

Which is cheaper??

I'm assuming the pocket PC is better, so therefor more expensive??

I dont really need the PC software as I use the ballistic programs that are free on the web and can print them off of my printer. This is how I'm currently doing it, although actual shooting is obviously needed to refine the chart.

So I would be looking at roughly $150 for the palm and PDA software, correct??
Is there a way to contact/purchase from Perry-systems via phone? I don't have or want a paypal account.
Yep, that's how I got mine. I called him from Iraq. Look on his web site to get the number...google Perry Systems (I think) or exbal. He doesn't accept collect calls from Baghdad by the way...LOL...just kidding.
I tried the phone number to perry systems but it has been disconnected. Does anyone have an updated phone number?
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