Need a stock recommendation


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2012
I've recently completed a gun build and need stock rec's. The rifle is built on Bighorn Origin short action, Shilen 24" heavy sporter (.725 at muzzle). I'm using APA bottom metal. The gun is a 6.5PRC and shoots lights out. That's why I'm looking at upgrading the stock. The current stock is an HS Precision off of a factory Remington tactical. It's been milled to take M5 metal. The only issue I have is the stock is heavy. I'm looking at the Manners EH2 stock. It would shave off almost a pound. (The rifle with HD5 Leupold weighs 10#) This will be a hunter and when I shoot off the bench I use a tripod. Will the EH2 be a good choice?
Check out the stockys longrange carbon fiber and the ag Composites website they have some offering as well that are fairly light.
My vote would be the eh1 or MCs-t if you prefer a drop heel. The eh2 and 3 are on the small side
Look at the Mesa Precision "altitude" stock, made by ag composites, very nice. It's similar to a mcmillan game hunter without the monte Carlo but still has a high cheek, dropped heal and mostly vertical grip, barrel channel can take up to sendero.
The Manners EH4 should fit that barrel better than the EH2, I think. Yet it'll still be the same style of stock, vs the EH1, which is a different beast.
They look pretty slick. I like how the AG Composites stuff looks and feels. Had I not gotten such a screaming deal on the McMillan and Manners stocks I just got this year, I'd have gone with them.
I wish someone besides mcmillan would make a half affordable lightweight long range Tikka stock. AG plans on it, but they're so busy right now they don't have the available volume in production.
Check out the stockys stocks longrange carbon fiber stock they have some listed on there site for the Tikka.
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