Must Stop Colorado Wolves

Long Time Long Ranger

Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2002
Everyone please go to the Big Game Forever Site and send in your letter to stop wolves from being stocked into Colorado. They have a form letter on the site that will send to everyone in Washington. It only takes a minute so please let it be known that we will not accept any more wolves into the rockies. I added some choice comments at the end of the form letter also.

PLEASE EVERYONE, THIS MUST BE STOPPED! We have lost most of the northern rockies and we can't lose what wildlife we have remaining. In my state I will never hunt moose now because wolves ate the entire population. In 1991 we had nearly 500 moose tags in the Teton valley. Millions of hunters dollars spent on sucesful stocking and management that worked. Now there are no moose tags and the fish and game admits that wolf predation has brought the moose population to virtually zero with the few remaining animals not enough to sustain the population. Predation by wolves year round and the severe overpopulation of grizzlies killing all the calves and we lost an entire herd of moose from yellowstone through the teton valley. Elk hunting has been destroyed also in this area causing extreme economic impact to local residents that depend on huting dollars.

Millions were spent on stocking moose in colorado and utah and now it is a major success story. They will all be dead soon if these wolves are stocked into Colorado along with the great elk stocking programs in Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. I ask the government how many billions of dollars they had set aside in funds to pay back all the hunters dollars that created the large wildlife herds in the western states? What is there plan on distributing that money? How many hundreds of millions do they have set aside for wolf eradication and restocking of all the wildlife herds we have lost already plus all the ones we will lose in the future with expanding the grey wolf population? They need to come up with answers to questions like this quickly and hunters need to start asking these questions often to Washington. People in the west depend on all those cow elk and moose tags for meat. The government wants to feed those to the wolves in this economy and fatten them up while kids go hungry. It is no wonder why our government and people are the laughing stock of the world.

Hunters, I want to know are we going to finally get organized and make a stand or continue to sit back and do nothing. If these wolves are stocked into Colorado we are done for. This is your last chance to fight for the rights of wildlife in the western states. Because if these wolves are stocked all those billions of dollars we spent on stocking programs and careful management we all supported to get those precious tags is waisted.

I sincerely hope the government comes to there senses and scratches this idiotic plan. But if it continues with it every person in the country who cares about western wildlife has got to convene on the spot they plan on stocking these wolves and physically stop it to save western wildlife.

This has got to be stopped. Please help us stop it!
It doesn't ever hurt to voice your opion and I also sent a response in... BUT I think it's too late. The wolves appear to be fairly well established in northern colorado. I talked to a bunch of locals around Winter Park/Frasier and while they don't see them every day they see plenty of sign and up around Steamboat they seem to be seen quite often. I am sure with all the elk in the flattops that a pack will just explode in population in those remote areas.

I am sure all those guys must be wrong since the DOW said there are none in CO.
I was in the flat tops during elk season and did not see or hear wolves. Packs would explode in those big elk herds if they got in there. That big moose herd they built all around the winter park area would be gone quickly. I hope they haven't got in there. Everyone just has to take care of the situation if they show up down there.

They plan on stocking in southern colorado which would quickly expand into the trophy elk units of Arizona, Utah and New Mexico.

I know there have been a few seen in Colorado and actually one ran over on I-70 two years ago. I hunted with a grizzly on my mountain four years ago in northern colorado and reported it but was very adamantly convinced there were no grizzlies in colorado. I know far more about grizzlies than the youngsters out of college in the office there. The grizzly was very obvious there, not just a track. He was hammering that mountain pretty good. I tried to get a black bear tag so I could shoot it but the quota had been reached there. No problem shooting the grizzly since he was very visible and they were convinced and assured me there were only black bears up there. So they could not have written me a ticket for shooting something that didn't exist.
I lived for many years in Co. You guys are going to have to take matters into your own hands! Do not let them get established as they have here in Id. They have decimated our elk herds and are still at it. My advice to you is treat them like coyotes, the only good one is a dead one. I know this sounds terrible but there is a reason they were no longer here.
As to the grizzlies down there for some reason the DOW wants there to not be any in Co., but doubts exist. Maybe they do not want to have them micromanaged by the feds as the wolves have been. I sure hope there are a few left and I am pretty **** sure there is.

Ast to thw canines just practice the 3 s' and you may be able to keep them out otherwise goodbye big game!!!
Co is the last state with decent herds, if they get into CO we wont need our guns, there will be no huntinggun)
I just got this from BGF.

Wolves will not be reintroduced to San Luis Valley
There has been some recent speculation that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service intends to reintroduce wolves in the San Luis Valley to help manage elk and other species. It is important to set the record straight, the service in fact has no plans and no intent to reintroduce wolves in the valley.

The confusion about the service's intent arose from a draft plan to manage overabundant elk populations affecting vital wildlife habitat on the San Luis Valley's National Wildlife Refuges. The draft plan references a suggestion by some members of the public that the service consider wolves as a potential management tool.

By law, the service is required to analyze the comments and suggestions we receive. We do not, however, believe that wolf reintroduction is the appropriate management strategy for this area. We have instead put forward three other options including public hunting, which we believe will help ensure that the wildlife refuges in the San Luis Valley continue to provide high quality habitat for elk and other species — as well as recreational and economic benefits for local communities.

We encourage members of the public and our partners to review and comment on this important draft plan as we work to finalize it over the next two years. We're committed to ensuring that the San Luis Valley's land, water, and wildlife remain the pride of Colorado and the nation for years to come.

Regional Director, Mountain-Prairie Region
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
I wish it wasn't a 4/5 hour drive from Denver to where they probably are. I would gladly spend weekends up there looking for evidence and shooting a bunch of "coyotes".
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