Mil-dot or Mil-radian?

Either you are confused or you have confused me with your question...

To put a check on the confusion, you know that the mil in mildot stands for milradian...right? it's an angular unit of measure, like minute of angle (moa). A mil is a mil whether it's represented by dots, ovals, or stadia lines.
Well the specific item I was curious about has to do with the 5.5-22 56mm Nightforce scope that has Mil-radian knobs as an option. I think the standard knobs are 1/4 mil clicks? The Mil-radian are .1 mil clicks, per their site. If I read it right I get finer adjustments with the Mil-radian knobs.
Am I off track?
Well the specific item I was curious about has to do with the 5.5-22 56mm Nightforce scope that has Mil-radian knobs as an option. I think the standard knobs are 1/4 mil clicks? The Mil-radian are .1 mil clicks, per their site. If I read it right I get finer adjustments with the Mil-radian knobs.
Am I off track?
Yes, you're a little confused. 0.1 mil adjustments are more coarse than 1/4 MOA. .1 mil is approximately 1/3 MOA.
.1 mil clicks are 1/10th of 1 mil-radian which is equal to .34 inches. Just a different unit of measure than minutes of angle. These tenth mil adjustments help keep on track when using mil reticles.
Nightforce NF series has 1/8 clicks,i dont think they offer anymore adjustment though.
I had read, from Shotshow 2010 that they were going to 1/8 moa clicks, but their current listing on their site for the 5.5-22 X56 is .250 moa. I would really like to see that as it gives finer dial in at longer distances. Yes I am looking at the NP-R1 reticule.
Thanks again for helping me understand.
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