Made me think of royinidaho


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2012
Sorry Roy :D.


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And for those of you that dont know, Roy has a couple of pack gots and this is one of his pack saddles.


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You flat out pegged our buddy Roy!
I'm still laughing so hard I almost peed!:D

This has the makins' of an Epic thread, like when Roy was using superglue for his loose primer pockets, or when, out of shear frusteration, he almost beat the auto parts salesman to death with a battery cable:D:D:D

Thanks for the laugh

Can't wait to see what ol Roy has for a comeback! I probably will pee my pants from laughing too hard.
You flat out pegged our buddy Roy!
I'm still laughing so hard I almost peed!:D

This has the makins' of an Epic thread, like when Roy was using superglue for his loose primer pockets, or when, out of shear frusteration, he almost beat the auto parts salesman to death with a battery cable:D:D:D

Thanks for the laugh

Can't wait to see what ol Roy has for a comeback! I probably will pee my pants from laughing too hard.
i guess i have to go find some threads to read!!:D
Riley, great find!!! ROFLMAO . . .

Believe it or not, I'm working on that. Really.

For balance the rig has to point backwards.. Plus if its pointing forward the durn goat will chew the flutes off the barrel or slobber all over the brake.:) Ya gotta think about those things when yur innovatin'. :D
Oh ok, is that why it took a couple days to get back to this thread? You should have an electronic trigger so you can shoot them both at the same time without having to remove them from the goat so you can shoot 2 wolves at the same time. And a couple metal bars under the goat to keep the guns pointed in the same direction. You might need to get the goat some custom made hearing protection though.

A couple 100 round beta mags, some training and you are ready for any wolf or wolves that want to attack your goat while you are bathing in the lake. :D
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I suggest a center mounted turret for Riley's 338 Lapua. Perhaps made from a lazy susan that sits in middle of table, that way you don't have to worry so much about balance and your goat falling down the mountain. I like the idea of a remote trigger though.lightbulb
I've got to revive this thread since i saw another picture that made me think "I bet Roy is workin' on this"

It could double as a shooting perch!!lightbulb


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