Just bought out Sportsman's entire stock


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2004
Blackfoot, Idaho
Had to go Albuequerque to update the ol' rental car so I stopped by Sportsmans' Warehouse to stroll by the empty shelves.

Wow, they had some nosler bullets. I snagged the entire stock of 270 150 Ballistic Tips. (Both boxes:rolleyes:)

And would you believe it, they had US 869 so I bought all of it also. (1 pound :rolleyes:)

Does this indicate a trend that things are loosening up a bit? :D
Yeah, when I find something like that, I like to buy it all before the hogs get it! A friend has a 1 lb can of 869, and I told him I want the whole can.

Ain't it great? Tom
I found the mother load today ,called a small shop in a small town that isnt even a sporting goods store but used to sell reloading stuff ,found a case of RL22,ImR4350 acc 2700 and 3100,tomorow Im on a powder run,if I have a car fire on the return trip all they will find is a crater in the road!
I found the mother load today ,called a small shop in a small town that isnt even a sporting goods store but used to sell reloading stuff ,found a case of RL22,ImR4350 acc 2700 and 3100,tomorow Im on a powder run,if I have a car fire on the return trip all they will find is a crater in the road!

The Cenex in Conrad? :D
There was nothing left for reloading at the one near me but I was able to pick up a spotter and binos very cheap that I otherwise would never have afforded.
3 forks :D No the SW here was bought out by a Canadian chain,they have NOTHING on their shelves right now AND they cant sell guns because the new owners FFL is in limbo,just as useless as they were before the sale,I mostly shop online,local stores try but they cant keep up with the hoarding A holes.gun)
The problem up here is powder and primers. I happened into WSS and found they had a schwack of Federal LR Magnum and Large rifle primers. I should have bought more than the 3000 LR Mags I picked up. I did shore up the powder supply, though not to the extent some guys on here have. Still, not a bad idea for my next trip out.
I dont even go to SW any more to get their free paper, they otto just close up as they have nothing in Thornton CO store to sell. Empty shelves, empty walls, no guns. BassPro on Quebec St. however has fully stocked shelves, they even got ammo.
The problem up here is powder and primers. I happened into WSS and found they had a schwack of Federal LR Magnum and Large rifle primers. I should have bought more than the 3000 LR Mags I picked up. I did shore up the powder supply, though not to the extent some guys on here have. Still, not a bad idea for my next trip out.

How long is it going to take you to use 3,000 LRM primers?
Wow, was: Just bought out Sportsman's entire stock

Dear Roy,

We apologize for this inconvenience but there will be a delay in shipping the powder that you ordered. Due to shipping regulations our carriers are only able to ship a certain amount of hazardous materials at once. We are shipping the maximum allowable each day and you can expect your order to arrive in approximately 7-10 business days. Again accept our apologies and if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reply to this e-mail or call us at 1-800

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